Film making,skateboarding,cooking (some good shit yo)fashion,tshirts,shoes,MTV,BET,VH1,MUN2,,FOOD network,A&E,FUEL TV,MTV espanol,acting a fool,getting stups,the tshirt game,lots of other shit... Here is some of my work....enjoy!
my princess,WIFEY.female thats down for me.., preety,ugly,fat,sknny,nice,good,kind and people that make shit happend! ...holla at me!
Hiphop, (mix tape 4 life),reegaton,little r&b,some old school shit, chingo bling,( check this foo out ) ,little bit of everything...except country (cant fawk with that shit)
Half Baked,rambo,10 things i hate about you.( preety corny but i guess),all the pot head movies,training day,25th hour,and alot more
Im addicted to BET,MUN2, fuel tv,70's show,seinfield,max X,real TV,food network,spike,E tv,simpson,blind date,elimidate,fine living and lots of more more more
The mota bible,how to blow up,tight is tighter,