Jay is a painter profile picture

Jay is a painter

The Revolution is not an apple that falls when it is ripe . You have to make it fall. CHE

About Me

Welcome to the home of Cap. Random. As you read this I am painting,drawing, writing,drinking, working at Eden doing lots of every thing and mostly not sleeping. Oh and wipe your feet before stepping on new carpet. An old woman told me that was important once. :) I now live in Charlotte, NC once again.I hope that you enjoy the pictures.Enjoy, have a good day...and don't eat rocks!

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My Interests

I love to paint. I also love kickboxing , walking my dog,and games.I surf and skateboard too. Ohhh...and Futball. This list is going to keep going..what do you think I am a simple to understand person? Shame ..Shame on you. Ok no.. shame on you..maybe a hug?

I'd like to meet:

I want to meet artists and free thinkers. I want to meet people who want a revolution when the government lets older people die cus they don't want them to have medical supplies from Canada cus they can't tax them. I want a Revolution. Your results:
You are Spider-Man Spider-Man 90% The Flash 90% Green Lantern 70% Robin 65% Iron Man 65% Hulk 60% Catwoman 55% Batman 50% Wonder Woman 45% Supergirl 45% Superman 40% You are intelligent, witty,
a bit geeky and have great
power and responsibility.
Click here to take the Superhero Personality Quiz


David Bowie, Jimi Hendrix, Ludacris, FLy Leaf, Lenny Kravitz,Rage against the machine, Fiona Apple, Matisyahu, She wants revenge, Bob Marley, Damian Marley, Red hot chilli peppers, Shakira, Daddy Yankee, Narles Barkley, M.I.A., Lady Sov, House, Jungle,Corinne Bailey Rea,Bjork,Dashboard Cofession, Say Anything, Sting, damn...alot of fucking stuff but no country


Hitch hitckers guide to the galaxy, The Crow, Empire records, Girl , The punisher, Blade 1,2 and 3 and Boondock Saint's 5 years before you saw it. I love the Girl Next Door and Good Will Hunting. The Warriors, Phantom of the opera , City of God, Sereity, Garden State, Snatch, Invisible Circus, I Robot, Science of Sleep, Nightmare before Christmas


Fascape, Discovery Channel , Sci fi network and BBC channel. I like TLC channels somedays too but it makes me feel old. I really like learning new stuff. Tv can be good for you. Like a flintstone vitamin for your eyes.


The perks of being a wallflower,Running with Scissors, comic books , Moon Called and Frida Kalo. Scare Tisue...well all art books mostly unless they come in plastic wrap those are normally crap. I spend 50 bucks or more on them hate them and give them to my younger college friends.


Spiderman, Bruce Lee, Ronaldo, Ronaldino alot of Brazilians. People who love and like to be loved. The guy and girls who are not affriad to be different. That is cool shit.

My Blog


The age of 24 til 25 was hell for me. I lost so much and then lost more. Nothing went right for me mostly. I'm not telling any one this to be a victim in your eyes. I just have to get it out once and ...
Posted by Jay is a painter on Fri, 27 Apr 2007 06:21:00 PST


I've lived me life as of late with a shell preventing anything from makeing me feel close to it. I have this odd thing I do with people were I stop what I do to be with them. So I disided to be a duck...
Posted by Jay is a painter on Fri, 20 Apr 2007 02:16:00 PST

A dare

Guns are means to an end so end useing and having guns. Don't let some one make you less then who you are by killing them or even shooting them. I'm not one to say violence is never the answer becaus...
Posted by Jay is a painter on Tue, 17 Apr 2007 05:29:00 PST


My friend goes to VT and I can't get in touch with her. I'm freaking out a bit. Pray for her because I will be. love Jay
Posted by Jay is a painter on Mon, 16 Apr 2007 03:35:00 PST

Growing up

Tomorrow I drive to Raleigh so check out a art school. My life is about to change again. (Deep breathe) I wish I could have everything I want but that is not life. I want to finish graphic design ...
Posted by Jay is a painter on Mon, 16 Apr 2007 06:12:00 PST

The show

Alot of people came and I even got a kiss or two from an amazingly beautiful girl. My heart feels good about that day. I like this feeling and I would like to keep it that way. later JAy...
Posted by Jay is a painter on Sun, 15 Apr 2007 03:27:00 PST

Washing Clothes

My show I'm doing at Eden in two day is freaing me out. So much can go wrong I don't know how to not freak out. My brain can't focus on my thoughts. I need some thing to help me focus but I don;t know...
Posted by Jay is a painter on Wed, 11 Apr 2007 11:05:00 PST

Brazil or Brasil

I was writing alot on my second book today, when I read a blog about the war and how violence never ends. Sadly they are true in this thought. I'm still going to write my book the same way I want but ...
Posted by Jay is a painter on Wed, 11 Apr 2007 06:36:00 PST


I am doing this great Che painting for my show next friday. It is fucking awesome.  Oh and I'm changing my pen name to Che Blake. Why because I can. Oh and Easter is fucking stupid and faker then...
Posted by Jay is a painter on Sat, 07 Apr 2007 01:35:00 PST


Ok Hellcore is my book I'm writing. I'm only giving you guys until the end of the first chapter and then you can read the rest when I publish it. love JAy
Posted by Jay is a painter on Thu, 29 Mar 2007 09:58:00 PST