Ryder's mommy profile picture

Ryder's mommy

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

check out my baby registry!

Babies "R" Us Gift Registry:

Target Gift Registry:
i like unicorns... and mazzycorns...and ponycorns... and evan... corns ... and now babycorns!

My Interests

mmm... let's see. i like singing, playing, watching evan look at little girl stuff at the baby store, wrestling, watching movies, riding horses, playing with mazzy, icecream, shopping with other people's money, dying/cutting my hair, playing with children, music, education, evan, panties, unicorns, halloween costumes, wrapping christmas presents, new shoes, the smell of plastic children's toys when they are new, cheesecake, opera, knee socks, monica, did i say puppies?, love, coffee, french literature, social issues, making evan smile, feeling my baby kick around, watching Ryder do something that looks exactly like Evan... i.e. waking up

I'd like to meet:

astrud gilberto or mozartor Camille:


beethoven makes me cry


mmmm... howard the duck!


i don't have a t.v. but lately evan and i have been addicted to lost and the office


voltaire's candide, the little prince, primary source articles for music history


my daughter