I'm interested in that which is interesting...
Unfeigned, Helloween (Rise, Fall...), Skid Row (self-explanitory), Metalium (Still need Chapter 7, anyone want to send me theirs? haha), Overkill (Hello From the Gutter!!!), Apocrypha (You Are in West World, among machines and men...), Crimson Glory (Glory to Red Sharks, answer to your RED Dictators), Manowar (And many will die by my hand!), Deathclok (Do you folks like coffee?), Warlock (I Rule the Ruins, in case you were wondering), Gamma Ray (Illuminati, blah blah, we already know who rules the world so the lyric is not so good, Heart of the Unicorn is cool), Sinergy (*spits on your grave* kickass... the emotional wah wah stuff can be skipped.), Primal Fear (Formula One!!), Bride (I am coming for you, soon you will know. Everybody's got a chance, Fire and Brimstone!), Usurper (Kill for Metal), Steve Vai(wahwahwahwahwah... I can taste the notes!), Michael Angelo Batio (The shit, what a showman!), Nitro, Cyclone Temple (I was always a loner because I thought for myself), Jennifer Batten (I love your Flight of the Bumblebee, always a hero!), Phantom Blue (Time to run, anyone? If you have this album, I want it and will buy it from you.), Dio (There's a black cat screaming, and it's not even midnight in your corner of the world), Nuclear Assault (Whoops!), Agent Steel (Rise from your knees), Hypnosia, Death, Tsjuder, Carpathian Forest, Paul Gilbert, Dream Evil, Cage, Orff, Racer X, Chris Caffery, Possessed, Hirax, Queensryche, Sadus, Deicide, Iron Maiden, Pagan's Mind, Kreator, Dragonforce, Estuary, Metal Church, Dew Scented, Chainsaw, Venom, Matriarch, Behemoth, (old) Slayer, Megadeth, Deth Specula, WASP, Def Leppard, Ignitor
This Is Spinal Tap, The Three Amigos, Airplane I and II, Hotshots I and II, Blazing Saddles, Robin Hood: Men in Tights, Loaded Weapon 1, Fear of a Black Hat, Top Secret, Logan's Run, Beavis and Butthead do America, The Philadelphia Experiment, The Bourne trilogy, The Saint, Tomb Raider
Xena Warrior Princess is my favourite... Dark Angel, South Park and Futurama, King of the Hill, The Simpsons, Invader Zim
Greek mythology, the classics, science and physics, history, biographies and autobiographies of interesting people, Christian mythology (ex. Milton, Dante), and any piece of literature that can stimulate my mind.
Guitar Heros:
Jason Becker
Steve Vai
Marty Friedman
Jennifer Batten
The Great Kat
Paul Gilbert
Vocal Heros:
Doro Pesch
Henning Basse
Kai Hansen
Kim Goss
Dale Thompson