Besides my love for Hair, I'm actively involved in exploring my other talents, and passions such as Acting/Entertainment Personality.
Any And everyone in need of our services. Networking is a huge part of the business, knowing the right people will get you in where you want to be, along with the determination, drive and dream! Chicago Market!P.R.I.S.E are always looking for Model* Runway*Print*Hair Creative Stylist are always welcome to send BIO's & Pictures
I love hip hop, rap and of course R&B. My favorite rapper was Biggie he was so creative and knew just how to lay his words down. R&B too much to choose from, but Keyisha Coles is holding it down for all of us strong women out here! Music is a big part of my life, not only to listen but to visualize the song through a music video. That's why I love to help create the image of an artist. P.R.I.S.E
Film is even more in detail, to be able to recreate an image for a time line, shows talent and creativity. My favorite movie now, cause it changes often is "Dirary of a Mad Black Women"."Sex in The City" is my show, nothing better then living in New York City, with lots of endless money, and enjoying every part of life.
"Girlfriends" reminds me of my girls!
"Coldest Winter Ever" "Men Cry in the Dark" Great books! If you ever want to understand a man"T.D Jakes He-Motions" (I heard it tells all, "I'm not sure I want to know all)
Always keep God 1st! Among all the heroes of the world today mine is my mother, if it wasn't for her my drive my dream would be none. Everyone who believed in my dream and supported me, you are my hero! The Hero I would Love to meet is Opra, I will one of these Days, I'm right here in Chicago it's bound to happen!