Enjoy working out at the gym when I make the time. It is amazing to me what the human body can do. I enjoy watching college football and of course, Monday night football.I enjoy working with kids and head up a local fast pitch umpire program. Enjoy going to the movies and hanging out at home with my family.My personality - mostly I'm low keyed, go with the flow and don't make too many waves. I do get grumpy and my patience does get thin after a long day, but I think for the most part, I'm pretty cool (at least I hope so).
I just read Bob Woodruff's book - he was the ABC journalist that was covering Iraq and was hiy by a roadside bomb - what a story! And his wife Lee - pillar of strength. I would to meet Al Gore - I saw his movie, An Inconvienent Truth and I am now reading his new book, An Assault On Reason. Although many americans may not agree with his view, everyone has to agree that things could be better - our edeucational system, our medical system and our social system. I'd like to meet God and thank him for my life - although I have had challenges and haven't always handled situations in a positive manner (my temper flaring), he brought me a family that I love so much and a blessed child into my life. Lastly, I want to be on this beautiful Earth to meet my family's family and know that they are all OK.
I love the movies - all of them: romance, comedy, drama, documentaries. Not a big fan of horror cuz i get scared, but might go if I can hold onto someone tight. My favorite movie, Hmm - in the musical genre: Grease and Chicago (Evita too cuz I love madonna), in action: GI Jane, True Lies and in romance: An Officer and A Gentleman. Ok, I love Disney and Mulan is one of my favorite - I love it when chics kick ass. My favorite actor has always been John Travolta with Harrison Ford a close second (yea, I know they are getting old) and my acresses are Julia Roberts and I really like Reece Witherspoon and Charlen Theroz. I love the movies!
Ok - well if I like the movies, one would summize that I enjoy television too! My favorite shows right now are Desperate Housewifes and Grey's Anatomy. But my all-time favorite is ER.
Right now I am reading a few, I mentioned Al Gore's book but I am also reading John Steinbeck's East of Eden. I never read it (my high school thought I wasn't smart enough so I was in the dumb english classes). It is an interesting book. On my desk at work, I have Lee Iacocco's book, Where Have All the Leaders Gone?. I love romantic fiction, but as I get older, I am enjoying non-fiction and the liturature classics.
I have several heros - all are part of my family. First, is my daughter Brittany. She's my hero because she gives me purpose in life, drives me to be better and is always there to catch me when I fall. Brittany is only a teenager, yet she has made a profound impact on my life and I can't imagine ever waking up and breathing without knowing she is here on this earth with me. Second is my son, John. I have participated in that boy's life since he was 18 months old and I have watched him grow up from a little boy to a man - he is now 22 and on a ship in the Iraq war. He has had to do a lot on his own while he was living with his dad - away from his Mom & sisters. Yet, his heart stayed pure and strong and his sense of family stronger. Although John isn't near by, he'd be by our side in a heartbeat, if needed. John is now in the Navy and I am so very proud of him and I love him so very much. Kristen is my other daughter and another hero. Kristen has had an uphill battle with life, but she always sees the world with a glass that is always half full, never half empty. Kristen and I developed a bond the minute we met when she was three years old. She always had disadvantages - being the middle daughter, always being left behind, yet her smile is intoxicating and her heart made of gold. When Kristen was hit by a car and I saw her laying in the street when she was in second grade, I thought she was dead - by all accounts, she should have been. For days she was knocked out, weeks she didn't speak. To watch her fight through painful physical therapy, head trauma and a back and leg that wouldn't stop hurting, she is stronger then I am on any given day of the week. Now she is 24 and she is raising her beautiful son and I am so very proud of her and grateful that I was blessed with the opportunity to have her in my life. I'm not there for Kristen as much as I should be, but I hope she knows I am always here to help if need be. And my last daughter, Nicole. Nicole and I have had our differences but it has made me so happy that as the years march forward that we get closer and closer. We don't get to spend a lot of time together, but wish we did. Nicole is the oldest of this brood and has taken on the most responsibility and it was so hard for her because her siblings didn't exactly like to be told what to do by their big sister. Life was hardest for Nicole in our chaotic house and I am so proud of her to rise above it all and make the life she has for herself. She's married now with a wonderful husband and I am so proud of her. These kids, who are growing up so fast, have been and continue to be my heros and I can only hope that I too will be as strong and couragous as they have been. I love you guys!