I think its wierd when i see people going to the movies as im leaving.
I like the T.V show cops
I'm slowly developing a mild form of O.C.D
I hate Celine Dion and Whoopi
I like watching the Allen Degenres show
The toilet roll has to roll over the top, not under
I wanna hear any conspiracy
I love popcorn
I like it when my socks stick to the heels of my feet - gross right
I've been myself for 29 years - soon to be 30
I like romantic comedys
I love my car
I wished I liked watching kung-fu movies, I just like the idea of it
I love playing the drums
I hate guys with loud import cars, but love the sound of a bomb, hot rod or my car.
Love the mall
Hate fashion
I feel sorry for all these confused Hollywood girls - acting = porn......yah know what I mean ?
I wish they made movies like they used to
The Bad Brains changed my life..............seriously
I wanna have kids
When I change the oil in my car, I suddenly think its running better
I love Jersey sheets
I wear Brut deodorant
When I was 13 I heard N.W.A and it changed my life
I still love hardcore
I think im getting old, but I don't get all this messy hair shit
I hate people that give themselves nicknames
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