I want to be a father,to be loved by many and to love many.I love sports and if the Blues ever win the Stanley Cup,I will probably break into tears.I have few great friends but many aquaintances.I am trying to enjoy the good times right now,but am always preparing for the bad.I enjoy art and am majoring in animation.In addition I am helping to open a business.I love talking with and helping people.I think my family and friends have kept me from a total collapse at times, and I appreciate them for it,more than they can know.I do believe in God, and I know I owe him my life.I love riding in my car with my windows down,music up, while my thoughts wander.My life is too much to simplify and sum up in one paragraph.The story of my life is still being written and the end is yet unknown.
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I love pretty much everything.I am into creating music as well,including rap and trance. I listen to all types of classic rock,trance and house,rap,some country,even sinatra and the like.
Knowledge speaks,but wisdom Listens.I have so many heroes.My parents,my friends,musicians,athletes,Jesus and God....and so many more.To have a few heroes would be a great injustice.There are so many brave people who deserve admiration.