Get your own valentinr
My first name is classic Arabic and I'm not sure exactly what it means. Some would say 'beam of light' while others would argue it's the glow around a source of light instead. But when I'm happy? I'm happy down to the tips of my toes and I suppose I really do glow. That's what I'm told, anyway. And around the right people? I smile an awful lot.
As a person, I prefer the light to the dark. I've been through some dark times; doubtless all of us have. Yes, I had a rough childhood and some tough times as an adult, too. But I don't celebrate the hardship. I don't brood about it and bellyache and wail and moan about it. Are the cards stacked against me? The whole game set against me? Okay, fine. Prepare to get your ass kicked ANYWAY. That's how I've always seen it.
Frankly, even in the ugly situations, I could always find things that made me (and others) smile, if not laugh out loud. It wasn't a means to avoid the problems or a scramble for some quick escape; more finding the joy of struggle regardless. I prefer the company of those who have that same outlook--or at least would like to.
When I'm out, I just like having fun. I'm down for anything that's physical...biking, running, tubing, waterslides, wavepoools, roller coasters, you get the idea.
Or perhaps just kicking it around my place and watching a movie. Yes, I actually CAN sit in one place for while...but I need the right situation to do so. Or the right person. Maybe both.
It's Super Bowl Piggie Party Time!
The thrills! The stains! The grease! The obnoxious sodium levels! The sugar rush that can ONLY come from a properly deep-fried Oreo! And let's not forget Midget's all-time favorite...CHI-LAY DAWGS!
Piggie Party I
Clck on the pics...they'll get bigger
Piggie Party II
Da Midget was EXCITED...
Super Bowl Piggie Party II: The Pre-Game interview
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...until it was cleanup time.
Check out all the attitude!
Super Bowl Piggie Party II: The Halftime Cleanup Show
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