straitjacket sadie profile picture

straitjacket sadie

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

i'm the coolest person you'll never meet.

i'm just a little
left of center

drink up baby
stay up all night
with the things you could do
you won't but you might
the potential you'll be
that you'll never see
the promises you'll only make
drink up with me now
and forget all about
the pressure of days
do what i say and i'll make you okay
and drive them away
the images stuck in your head
the people you've been before
that you don't want around anymore
they push and shove and won't bend to your will
i'll keep them still
drink up baby
look at the stars
i'll kiss you again
between the bars
where i'm seeing you there
with your hands in the air
waiting to finally be caught
drink up one more time
and i'll make you mine
keep you apart
deep in my heart
separate from the rest
where i like you the best
and keep the things you forgot
the people you've been before
that you don't want around anymore
they push and shove and won't bend to your will
i'll keep them still.
elliott smith
"i am writing with my burnt hand about the nature of fire." -ingeborg bachmann-
"they called me heretic and flout, and drew a circle to keep me out. but wit and i, with a will to win, drew a bigger circle to bring them in." -e. markham, slightly revised-
"i am going to show you something very ugly. one day it may save your life." -w.d. snodgrass-
"we are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars." -oscar wilde-

My Interests

Sun Sign: Cancer
Sun 13° Cancer 31' Cancer Horoscope
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Moon Sign: Taurus
Moon 14° Taurus 58' Taurus Horoscope
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Rising Sign: Aquarius
Ascendant 16° Aquarius 01' Aquarius Horoscope
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a few things i like:

1. cherry limeade and root beer floats
2. john waters movies
3. boys
4. & girls
5. music. any kind. all kinds.
6. sunny days that aren't too hot
7. cillian murphy
8. your mom
9. baking, not cooking
10. waking up way too late and staying in my pajamas all day
11. the smell of vanilla extract
12. gerber daisies
13. cheese. lots and lots of cheese.
14. dynasty warriors
15. playing piano
16. good hair days

art, music, tattoos, poetry, writing, dancing, being goofy, food, romance, sleeping (when i actually can), photography, old cars, pinups, indie movies, stand-up comedy, much more...

I'd like to meet:

anyone who's got something new to say.


top 10 artists:

1. depeche mode
2. nine inch nails
3. mindless self indulgence
4. johnny cash
5. muse
6. nirvana
7. otep
8. clutch
9. led zeppelin
10. jeff buckley


top 10 movies:

1. boondock saints
2. the crow
3. monty python & the holy grail
4. hairspray
5. true romance
6. across the universe
7. high fidelity
8. v fo vendetta
9. donnie darko
10. pan's labyrinth


don't like it, but the office is a killer show.


sex, drugs & cocoa puffs, killing yourself to live, fargo rock city, fear & loathing in las vegas, fight club, high fidelity, catcher in the rye, animal farm, books on paganism, books filled with useless information, neil gaiman comics and novels, shakespeare, poetry volumes, laurell k. hamilton's merry gentry series


all those who go against what society dictates.

my details

status: don't they have a whole other section for this now? go read that. :P
here for: mudkipz?
orientation: squeegee.
hometown: don't have one anymore.
body type: fluffy
ethnicity: cracker
religion: i sacrifice toddlers on tuesdays and bank holidays.
sign: crabbity crab cancer
smoke/drink: yes/with pleasure ;)
children: are better fully cooked.
occupation: semi-pro purveyor of amazingosity.
income: i'd like one.

all those who go against what society dictates. ..

My Blog

updated top plays on itunes

i like to do this every once in awhile.  so, my top 25 plays this week on itunes:   1. ain't nothing wrong with that - robert randolph & the family band 2. oh no - shivaree 3. les barric...
Posted by straitjacket sadie on Thu, 10 Jul 2008 02:10:00 PST

hey guess what

being a grown up fucking sucks NUTS. i guess maybe it's because i've just had my 25th birthday.  or maybe it's because in the last three weeks i've purchased my first laptop that i bought on my o...
Posted by straitjacket sadie on Tue, 08 Jul 2008 12:05:00 PST

this song is a poem to myself.

and to someone."mary", mavengot a message from marycame in a lettersent me a happy facegot a message from maryshe said, "you miss me?"got a message from marycame in a lettersealed my happy fatesent a ...
Posted by straitjacket sadie on Fri, 27 Jun 2008 08:47:00 PST

i peed a little.

from laughing so hard.  oh john mayer, how i despise thee.excerpted from tom reynolds' (hilarious) book, "touch me, i'm sick: the 52 creepiest love songs you've ever heard":"your body is a wonder...
Posted by straitjacket sadie on Thu, 05 Jun 2008 04:34:00 PST

to be treated

oh, we are what we are when in danger and we are as we stand head in hand when a friend brings the light on a cold silver knife you can stare your fate right into his hands oh, we are what we a...
Posted by straitjacket sadie on Mon, 28 Apr 2008 10:01:00 PST

to my former employer.

dear madams,first of all, i’d like to say thank you so much for giving me a chance to work in your office.  i just wanted to take a few minutes to outline some of the things i really apprec...
Posted by straitjacket sadie on Thu, 10 Apr 2008 09:58:00 PST

hey jupiter

these lyrics have always given me someone to talk to when there was no one one’s picking up the phone. guess it’s me and me and this little masochist. she’s ready to confes...
Posted by straitjacket sadie on Tue, 08 Apr 2008 07:13:00 PST

sorry, sorry...

it’s been awhile.  i’ve been busy lately, i started a new job and have been concentrating on that a lot.  it’s going well.  i think.  i never really know for sure...
Posted by straitjacket sadie on Tue, 01 Apr 2008 05:55:00 PST

this is like the seventh lyric post in a row. i could care less.

i love these.  they remind me of things i see in myself sometimes.halo you wear guilt like shackles on your feet like a halo in reverse i can feel the discomfort in your seat and in your head it...
Posted by straitjacket sadie on Thu, 13 Mar 2008 09:35:00 PST

this is my theme song as of late.

the definition of real music and lyrics. let me take you down, 'cause i'm going to strawberry fields.nothing is real and nothing to get hung about. strawberry fields forever. living is easy with eyes ...
Posted by straitjacket sadie on Thu, 06 Mar 2008 02:19:00 PST