Games, comics, writing, talking, being creative, reading, building random shit, and plotting the future.
Oh, and we've been working our collective asses off on this...
For the most part, I'm just looking to meet people. Friends are cool. If you're looking for more, then please refer to the latter part of this. I'd just like people to hang out with, and go do stuff with. I'm a little out of it with this going out thing.
This here's the latter part.
I want a Spark (the polite term for a mad scientist). I want someone with intelligence and imagination. With a good sense of humor, and a quick wit. Someone with mechanical affinity. Kinda gothy, but without their hand stapled to their forehead. Yeah. That'd be nice.
So, part of me is stuck in the 80's, another in the 70's, some more in the 60's, some in the 40's, and classical. Yeah. I was born way too late.OINGO BOINGO RULES!
Infinity, The Hudsucker Proxy...a bunch of other ones that I can't think of right now, since this section got deleted for some random reason...
Dead Like Me, Bullshit, The Simpsons, dumb cartoons. Yup, that's about it.
So, when we were moving, and trying to get my books put away, some people decided to try to count how many I had as it was taking waaaay too long, and it was over a thousand. I'm pretty well read. Horror, fantasy, science, science fiction, some other stuff... I'm a big Douglas Adams fan, and Neil Gaiman, Neil Stephenson, Terry Pratchett (who thinks I'm Rasputin for some strange reason).
All my heroes are dead. Everyone I admire, I'm friends with.