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The truth is always only ONE

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Thats right!!! Heavygrinder!!!


Oh look is Dj heavygrinder and DSport in interview: ..

Sometimes you meet someone and their name exactly fits their personality. When we located DJ HeavyGrinder, we were completely unaware of her DJ name. Instead, she was only known to us as "Barbie." Once we found out her name, we were scared. Think about it, "DJ HeavyGrinder" evokes images of an overweight and overzealous stripper that flattens customs with her lap dances. Fortunately, "Barbie" turned out to be about as threatening as a snowflake.

DSport: You are half Japanese and half European?
Barbie: My Mom is Japanese and my Dad is European. I was born in Seattle, Washington but moved to Japan when I was about five. I lived in Japan until I was about 13.

DSport: Did you speak English while living in Japan?
Barbie: I spoke English sometimes. If you live in Japan, you are going to end up speaking Japanese all the time. That's why I have an accent speaking English today.

DSport: Before becoming a DJ, you did some fashion modeling?
Barbie: When I lived in Japan, I was enrolled in acting classes. I had a few small parts in some Japanese soap operas. I also did some fashion modeling. There are not too many Asian girls that are 5' 8", so I had some cool opportunities.

DSport: Did you like acting?
Barbie: Not really. I wasn't too comfortable with acting. While the acting classes were supposed to make my more outgoing, I think it had a reverse effect. Now, I'm more self-conscious than ever and I'm really shy. But it's a totally different story when I'm spinning. I guess I have an alter ego or something. I'm alive, I interact with the crowd and I'm just driven by the beat.

DSport: What's the deal with the name "DJ HeavyGrinder"? It doesn't seem to fit you.
Barbie: I think that there are a lot of misconceptions about me because of my DJ name. I've always been a fan of death metal, especially the group Cannibal Corpse. The leader singe of the group was Corpse Grinder and that's how I came up with my DJ name. Before I used to go by DJ Barbie, but my music doesn't fit with that name well.

DSport: How did you become involved in spinning?
Barbie: When I was 17, a friend of mine named Adam got we started and I was hooked.

DSport: What kind of music do you spin?
Barbie: House, breaks, hard house and sometimes drum & bass.

DSport: Are you with a label yet?
Barbie: I've only had the time to put together four Promo CDs. After I finish school and get my Bachelors Degree in Business, I'm going to put in the time it will take to try and get picked up by a music label.

DSport: Has being a DJ brought you any travel opportunities?
Barbie: This year I was able to travel to North Carolina, Atlanta, Minnesota and Hawaii. I love traveling.

DSport: Is the rave scene dead?
Barbie: Yeah, it's pretty much dead. Fortunately, the same people that were going to raves two to five years ago are now coming to the clubs and looking to

DSport: Your driver's license says that you are 5' 9", yet you told us that you are only 5' 7". It seems like all Asian models lie about their height, but you could be the first to say that you are shorter than your real height. Do you wish you were shorter?
Barbie: When I was younger, being tall was a cool thing. Now, I sometimes wish that I was a bit shorter. I don't have a problem dating guys that are shorter than me, but some of those guys seem to have an issue with my height. Sometimes I just feel like a tree.

DSport: What's the biggest misconception that people have about you?
Barbie: Sometimes people think that I'm snooty or stuck up because I don't talk that much. The truth is that I really like to observe people and I'm really shy. It's hard for me to just talk sometimes and a lot of people take it the wrong way.

DSport: Tell us a secret?
Barbie: I still sleep with stiffed animals. I have five bunnies; one's gigantic, three are medium size and there's only tinny bunny.

DSport: What's up in your near future?
Barbie: I'm concentrating on getting good grades this semester and taking every opportunity to DJ.go to to listen this online radio station or even download a shortcut to your computer


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ok this is School Rumble 1+2 but no OVA and is subbed in chinese and speaks Japanese, anyone of you is learning these two langrage can watch to learn, enjoy. amp;mode=0#4668249 go to this link if you can't watch the video listThese are the two OVA in School Rumble, its been made for fills the missing parts in the first season school rumble, Japnese speaking and Chinese subtitle,enjoyWhat is Azumangs Daioh like, all of you ask? it's an anime with a group of high school girls. but this anime totally ruined a girl's most inner feelings, they are a group of random people, so is the anime. Only watch this if you understand Japanese and can read Chinese. 4&mode=0#4802720 go to this link if you can't watch the video list this is the first episode of Detective Conan, shows how Shinchi became small, watch it only if you understand Japanese and can read chinese this is the follow up episode of the first Detective Conan episode, Shinchi awaken as a small boy found by two policeman, and you have to watch to find out the rest only if you can understand Chinese


Epic boobs: Can turn heterosexual females into lesbians in 0.39 seconds (from CollegeHumor )