Valerie profile picture


i don't have anything clever or witty to put here

About Me

I'm 24, I have 2 beautiful babies, Isabella, 3, and Jesse, 2. i work, i go to school. i try to find things that amuse me. that's all there is. well there'e alot more to me than that, but that's all i feel like telling you about me right now. i doubt you're going to die from curiousity but if you feel like you're going to feel free to ask me anything.

My Interests

nothing. i don't like anything.

I'd like to meet:

funny people


anything that doesn't make me barf


My three favorite movies are Better Off Dead, The Princess Bride and Natural Born Killers.


i love Prison Break.


The Count of Monte Cristo, everything Victor Villasenor has written... i love reading...this is a really unfair question.. it's like asking me which breath was the best one ever? there are too many to pick from and how do you choose?


i know this is so cliche but my parents are a really big inspiration to me. We havent always lived together in harmony, and I've been an awful daughter to them at times and they still love me, which is a miracle. I hope I can be as patient, understanding and loving with my kids as my parents are with me.Also anyone who has been scared shitless to do something but did it anyway, whether they failed or not doesn't matter, it's going after something that terrfiies you that makes it admirable.