We are the boys and girls of Hot Rod Tattooing. This studio has existed since 1997. We brought professional tattooing and body piercing to the Ohio River Valley. We like to draw & paint on canvases both inanimate and alive. If you want to see the official Hot Rod page try HERE. ............................................................
......................................We are an Association of Professional Piercers studio and we work very hard to ensure a modern and safe work place. Look for more APP information HERE. ............................................................
.....................................This is us. This is our strange little world. It's a crazy ride and we pick up a lot of interesting stories and friends along the way.Pictures will rotate often so stop in often and see what the fuss is all about ............................................................
.......................................The artists here include:
John Scott "Sweet Chuck" Schorr...
Chad Ramsay...&
Ron Meyers
and our piercer
Jamie Buxton......................................................
The front of the studio is run by
Andrew D'Cagna and Kayla Griffith
........................................Thanks to all of you that support us on the daily and FUCK YOU to assholes that don't give this wonderful artform it's desrved respect.
MySpace Graphics
MySpace Glitters
MySpace Editor
Steal Layouts
Warning Generator