My children and friends (both human and non-human), art; glass art, hot and cold, photography and photoshop, music, dance, astrology, 5 Element Philosophy, Meta-physics, Spirituality, World Religions, nature, philosophy, travel (especially to warm places)..... basicly LIFE!
After taking this test, I thought that it isn't surprising that the only religion that works for me is one that has no preachers standing and telling me how to interpret what I can read myself. In the Baha'i faith, the reason that it is so important that we make sure that every child is educated is that each person is to investigate spiritual truth. We all have God within us, but, in our mere humanity, none of us contains all of God. Because of this, when we gather and each is heard offering their interpretation, we all gain greater understanding, and move closer to the Truth.
You are a Self-Discoverer
You're not religious, but you've created your own kind of spirituality.
Introspective and thoughtful, you tend to look inward for the divine.
You are distrusting of all forms of organized religion.
You especially dislike religious gurus and leaders, who you feel are charlatans.
What's Your Religious Philosophy?
Your Summer Ride is a Beetle Convertible
Fun, funky, and a little bit euro.
You love your summers to be full of style and sun!
What's Your Summer Ride?
You Should Get a PhD in Liberal Arts (like political science, literature, or philosophy)
You're a great thinker and a true philosopher.
You'd make a talented professor or writer.
What Advanced Degree Should You Get?
The most defining of these philosophers is Plato
himself(above), who lived from 427 B.C. to 347
B.C. Other famous Pre-Socratics/ Platonists
include Lao-Tzu, Zoroaster, Archimedes,
Augustine of Hippo, St. Anselm, Thomas Aquinas,
Leonardo DaVinci, Blaise Pascal, Isaac Newton,
Rene Descartes, Gottfried Leibniz, George W.F.
Hegel, Pablo Picasso, and Albert Einstein.
Funny, Socrate's birthday was May 20th... just like mine...
Things that make you go hmmmm...
Which ancient Greek school of thought do you belong to?
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What kind of jewel are you?
Your beauty is exotic and inspiring. You know what you expect from yourself, and it isn't hard for you to achieve your personal goals when you put your mind to it.
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My Birthstone!!!!!
You taste like baked alaska. Your sweetness is
only matched by your smooth and creamy texture.
You are sure to set fire to anyone's taste
How do you taste?
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Interesting, intellegent people who enjoy an occasional swim in the deep end of the pool... people who are ready to get real...
There are really only two kinds of music, good music and bad music.
Jack Johnson is my current all around favorite.
I've loved Queen since high school
and Green Day Rocks!
(especially since they pulled my youngest son up on stage to super-soak the audience)Music is my spirit's food and I love any music that makes it so that I just CAN'T sit still...
As a Tree Sprite
if past lives do exist
I remember my flight
through the leaves, in a bliss
with wings of the sprite
through music I access
the more mystical realms
and escape this world's mess
which put's me at the helm
I ride notes like the wind
as it swells and it blows
where trees walk without sin
and the druids give shows
thanking trees, ancient souls
prayer rooms under willows
rituals with singing bowls
dream on softest pillows
the animals know me
they can still see my wings
and that I'll let them be
to choose what life will bring
nature gives me my food
there is never a care
a most magical mood
always hangs in the air
the worship of nature
should be part of us all
she's Mom and without her
we are destined to fall
returning to this place
many think that I'm mad
my heart's truth to be faced
is that I'm really sad
life tries, keeps me grounded
not so much in my head
escape and get pounded
one cannot hide in bed
but now and then I run
to my music so sweet
and go back to that fun
which for me is a treat
"The Matrix" love a movie I can watch more than once and pick up more, "What Dreams May Come" must have box of kleenex, but cathartic and romantic, "I heart Huckabee's", "What the Bleep Do We Know?" Love quantum thought..., "Pay it Forward" out of the mouth of babes..., "Adaptations" also recommend the book... The Orchid Theif, "Being There", and oddly, "Legally Blonde"... man it has to be hard work to keep one's forehead pulled that far up all the time... :) great farce, it is after all, the legal system... not the justice system. The Joy Luck Club, Raise the Red Lantern, The Lover
Nip/Tuck (soft-core porn night with Samantha!), The 70's Show (Hey, I was in high school then and Kitty is the funniest.) but, T.V too easily becomes background noise... it doesn't hold my attention.
The Prophet by Kahlil Gibran, Ishmael, any of the writings of Baha'u'llah, Abdul' Baha or the Bab. The DaVinci Code, Angels and Demons, I Love You Forever... I know it is a children's book... I don't care, it is beautiful... I am also a Dr. Seuss fan.
Anyone who demonstrates selfless LOVE. Anyone willing to speak up and act up against wrong. Anyone who finds a way to express "God" in action. Bruce Parry, (and Mickey Mouse)