my interests including making movies, singing, reading, writing, watching tv and movies, being online and chatting, and... *shrugs* I guess that's it actually. I like to go out from time to time and go bowling or play pool or something like that, but my a) lack of freetime and b) lack of friends with free time makes these occurances few and far between.
I enjoy LOTS of music. Everything from *N Sync to Manson to Lonestar to John Coletrane! In a word, I'm ecclectic. I have hundreds of cds of all different genres. If it's a singer or band, chances are I'll like them. If it's a rapper or hip hop artist, those chances aren't as good.(Click Here) Free Music Videos Provided by!
I made this MySpace Music Player at MyFlashFetish .com.
I like horror movies and comedies and sci-fi and Disney and chick flicks and everything else.Chick flicks are probably highest on my list being that I'm a hopeless romantic.My favorite movie of all time (though not a chick flick) is Labrynth.
Going with the chick-flick theme, my favorite tv show of all time is Dawson's Creek.Going with the Superman theme, my next favorite shows are Smallville, The Adventures of Superman, and Lois & Clark.Then, off on a different tangent, other favorites of mine are Buffy, Angel, Simpsons, Family Guy, Dragonball/DBZ/DBGT, Friends, Seinfeld and MANY more.
Nicholas Sparks is by far my favorite author. I've read everything he's ever written, and LOVE his work. He's the only author who can make me cry with ease.I've also read everything by Sarah Dessen. Even though all her books seem to have identical themes and plot lines, her writting style and dialoge makes them believable.I like Stephen King a lot too.
Superman. Duh.