I'd like to meet:
I write short Stories, lyrics and screenplays.
I'm co-owner of Elysium Productions. We're a full service production company, independent record label, and recording studio.
For some reason I get hungry after fucking?
I was a vocalist. My band's name was Pencil Fight. Once the founding members, George and I, started Elysium Productions we found too much on our plate to continue recording our own music. Hopefully in the future we can work on music together again.
When I was a kid I wanted to be an Astronaut.
I'm mostly German & Irish
My favorite Dinosaur was Stegosaurus.
My favorite colors are blue and black
I hate drama.
I hate backstabbing liars.
I'm a Taurus
I hate when people come to a conclusion before they know all the facts.
I hate jealous people that lie, cheat or steal in order to feel accepted.
I go to CCI Johns Hopkins University for Visual Communications (Digital Media, Graphic Design, Web Design, 3D Animation)
I'm color blind
My eyes are really the color they appear. They change between blue, green, and gray.
My hair is naturally a light brownish blonde. It hasn't been it's natural color in over 4 years.
I've had my lip pierced 4 different times, my eyebrow 3 different times, my nose twice, and my ears twice. I've taken all them out except my 0 guage plugs in my ear and my nose ring.
Sometimes I get caught up in the moment, get comfortable with someone, think I'm happy and then realize I'm only setting myself up for disappointment. So, I only end up hurting people.
I don't like to abuse the words "I love you". I already have enough.
I still don't know if I know what that means.
I love to laugh.
I love making people laugh. Even if it's at my own expense.
I have a weakness for the female species.
I was born and raised in San Diego California. I lived in Maine for 7 years. I will hopefully someday move back to Cali.
I'm rather cynical at times.
I'm also very sarcastic at times.
I love my family. My family isn't perfect and I love them that way.
When I don't see my son for long periods, it makes me cry. No I'm not emo. I just love my son.
I wouldn't wish depression upon my worst enemy.
I'm sometimes a lil metrosexual. I guess I like to look good.
I like anything peanut butter or banana.
I love peanut butter on my pancakes.
I love swedish fish.
I love otterpops.
I love ethnic foods.
I don't like very many vegetables. I do like raw vegetables like carrots, celery, broccoli, etc. Otherwise it's pretty much corn or peas.
Mushrooms and Tomatoes are disgusting.
I'm not a huge fan of drugs. Although, I've done just about every drug known to man.
If I eat balogna and cheese, I don't like anything on it but balogna and cheese. Oh and I smash the sandwich down for some reason.
I like Jack Daniels and Ciroc Vodka.
I love being in love, even if it doesn't work in the end.
I hate to be alone. But, I need my alone time.
I give the best hugs. Not bear hugs. Jear Hugs. If you need one, just ask. :)
I believe in a higher power but nothing that a religion can nurture.
I love kissing.
I'm the shit at cunnilingus ;)
I believe in evolution.
I believe we're all here for a reason but nothing in the universe is better than anything else. We all need one another equally. "God" has a "God" and so on.
I refuse to believe in a god that requires me to worship it.
I like to overanalyze.
I love milk. Skim milk. I probably drink close to a gallon a day. I cannot drink milk without eating something before hand though.
I refuse to eat a PB & J sandwich without a glass of ice cold milk.