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Any one who I can have fun with! I like to meet and be with people who can teach me things and inspire me to be great. I also like to be an insperation to those around me. You learn from your experiences, so why not make them AMAZING! It's also nice to meet people who want to Hire me to be their photographer. Oh yeah and it dosen't hurt if they're cute!
I LOVE REGINA SPEKTOR!!!! This song is the best ever!love love love.
Any movie is better than T.V. I Gotta luv Cannable the Musical. I watch my ren and Stimpy DVD often.Alice in Wonderland, Bambi ( I still cry when his mom dies).The Big Lebowsky,Born into Brothels, Lost Boys, Dusk 'till Dawn, Interview With A Vampire, and Any Vampire movie! I wan't to be bitten! True Romance, Pulp Fiction, Resevior Dogs. I support the Broken Lizards-2nd half of Puddle Cruiser, Super troopers, CLUB DREAD!. Life of Brian, the Meaning of Life, Monty Python Holy Grail is my favorite. House of 1000 corpses,Devils Rejects, King of the Zombies, Audition, Nightmare On Elm St.I like 'em bazar and gory.
I don't watch T.v. and I don't have cable. T.V. makes you stupid. Commercials Make you even more stupid! Fuck the fox network.Oh yeah and fuck My Space.
I'm currently a full time student so most of my reading is in my very expensive Text Books!.......and in dirty magazines."All of the true things I am about to tell you are shameless lies." Kurt Vonnegut Jr. CATS CRADDLE
adopt your own virtual pet!All the beautiful strong women out there!
What Classic 50's Pin Up Girl Would you be? (with pin up pictues)
You are the sexual provacative Pin Up girl. Your not into the whole "skirt accidentally blowing up", heck, youll pull it up yourself. Your style is all about the sleek, red, garder showing, pure sex in a woman. Please rate.
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