God. DANCE. Music. Writing. Talking shit. olives. Cherries. Mangoes. Having a good time. Kiwi. Vintage stuff. Shopping. Gentlemen. FOOD. Gangstas. Comedy. Frankie Beverly. De La. Rollerblading. Boxing......;) Fashion. Respect. V8 splash. Pretty pistols. Love. Love making. Pinching. Meeting people. Listening. Conversation. DANCE. Apple pie and vanilla ice cream....MMMMMM. FOOD. Family. Existence....
Those who rock, even those who suck. The witty people. The ugly people. The beautiful ones.... Spike Lee. Frankie Beverly, And a few other's.
YES, this is me!.."http://www.msplinks.com/MDFodHRwOi8vcGhvdG9idWNrZXQuY2 9t" target="_blank"
Not a film head. Most horror flicks, Half Baked, Anchorman, Sweet november,Euro Trip...uh... Good Fellas, Menace To Society, Return of "Britamere", SAW (it's twisted yo..Did I say yo?..lol), Most lifetime movies, Paid In Full(GP), The hand that rocks the craddle, School Daze, BLOW, Fatal Attraction, Dead Presidents, Beaches, Pootie Tang,Malcom X, Ocean's 12...THEE sexiest cast ever!... Pulp Fiction, Dirty Dancing, Flashdance, Napoleon Dynamite...Ey, UNCLE RICO was a fool G! Death Becomes Her, Eddie Murphy's Raw and Delirious, X MEN, Little Shop of Horror, KIDS (Awareness people) A League of their Own, Coming To America, Dawn of the Dead (that shit was hilarious...He's a twitcher!)Flower's In the Attic,....ummm....Crooklyn and Gangs Of New York.
When I do tune in to the tube I'll watch Vh1 Soul (it rocks!!!), Martin, The News, Curb your enthusiasm, Martin, Rosanne!,Music Choice, First 48, Living Single, Walker Texas Ranger, Married with Children, American Justice (Ey, they be penin drugs on niggas for their land. HA!) and Cold Case files. No reality t.v. Unless it's Hey Arnold. That 70's show is funny as hell too!,Wheel of fortune, What's Happenin!!!, Sanford and Son, King of the hill and the independent films On Demand.
HOT. Get into it.
My hero would have to be Jesus and my shero is none other than Lorna, my mommy! I've put her through soooo much and in return, I'll give her soooo much more. Most dynamite woman on Earth. Lisa Green, a walking talking blessing. No bullshit, Lisa has to be THEE realist woman I know. I've learned so much from her and nobody gives it to me in the raw like her. I apreciate that, straight up. Ms Gregory.... I love you. Point, blank, period. I can't say it enough but I thank God everyday for providing such positive female influences in my life, shaping me into an independent God fearing young lady... Thank you.