People never get flowers while they can smell them profile picture

People never get flowers while they can smell them

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

.. Your Life Soundtrack:
This is your life's soundtrack, chose a song for each scene that fits you.
Opening Credits On And On- Erykah Badu
Waking Up Scene Stronger-Kanye West
Getting Ready Scene Get Me Bodied-Beyonce
Car Driving Scene Juicy-Biggie
High School Flashback Scene E.1999-Bone Thugs N Harmony
Nostalgic Scene Tell Me-Groove Theory
Angry Scene Not Ready to Make Nice-Dixie Chicks
Agony, Painful Scene
Break-up Scene After The Love Is Gone- Earth Wind and Fire
Sad, Breakdown Scene Because of You- Kelly Clarkson
Nightclub/Dance Scene Get Right- Jennifer Lopez
Buddy/Sidekick Scene Friends-Whodini
Dreaming of Someone Scene All I do- Stevie Wonder
Contemplation Scene Virtual Insanity-Jamiroquai
Love Scene Angel- Anita Baker
Kissing Scene Adore- Prince
Relaxing Scene Satin Doll- Duke Ellington
Action/Fight Scene Give It away- Red Hot Chilli Peppers
Victory Scene Victory- Yolanda Adams
Closing Credits BrickHouse- Commodores
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My Interests

Acting.I love music in all forms. Dance! Writing. I love to travel also.

I'd like to meet:

Jesus. Good people. My Native American and African ancestors that were here long before me. ..!


Music is a whole different topic for me. I love all forms of music except for heavy metal...can't stand that stuff! My favorite solo artist of all time is a tie: Micheal Jackson and Prince. I love them both the same! Earth, Wind and Fire is my favorite group of all time. Bone Thugs N Harmony is my favorite rap group of all time, and BIG is my favorite solo rapper of all time. However, I do have other favorites ( in no particular order): Billie Holiday,Tupac, The Emotions, The Commodores, The Supremes, Louis Armstrong, Beethoven, know, REAL music? A lot of people don't know what that is these days.... Oh..BTW....look at the best band in the SWAC..don't hate... :) M4 Baby!! Which female R&B artist are you?
BEYONCE: Family and love. You treasure both as much as you do your Popeye's fried chicken. You are blessed with many talents and are not afraid to utilize them. You are an emotional person, falling into love dangerously. But you are truly Bonnie to your man's Clyde and are down enough to watch a basketball game with him. Your girls love your playful personality and know that whatever happens, you got their back.
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I am not a big movie person at all. However, I love animated movies (Disney). Mulan and The Little Mermaid are my favorite animated movies. However, I love films that are musicals, The Wiz happens to be my favorite. Drumline is one of my favorite movies of all time cause I lived it ( I marched in High school and at University of Arkansas Pine Bluff). I also like The Matrix and Friday...I am not much of a movie-goer at all. I prefer to watch movies when they come on HBO, Cinemax, etc.... LOL!


American Idol, America's Next Top Model,Grey's Anatomy, The Hills...and the old but good: The Cosby Show, Different World, Sanford and Son, and Full House.


The Bible. The Quran. "How The Garcia Girls Lost Their Accents,"- Julia Alvarez "The Diary of Anne Frank"- Anne Frank "The Souls of Black Folk,"- W.E.B.DuBois


I must say my Grandmother on my Dad's side. I adore her so much, for the woman that she struggled to be. I have a lot to be proud of in my family and that is my role model. I hope to be as successful as she is. She was dirt poor, and despite all odds against her, being a woman from South America, and came to the U.S. and did her thing! Love you, Grandma!..

My Blog

God Reveals All Things

Wow. I have been praying for months now for some truth, peace and closure. As most of you know, I was in a relationship for 5 1/2 years with a guy that I still love very much. We broke up in December ...
Posted by People never get flowers while they can smell them on Fri, 12 Oct 2007 12:01:00 PST

Why do women settle?

Okay...I am writing this blog (and I shouldn't be, because I am at work...)because this is on my mind. "Why do we as women tend to settle?" I ask myself. I know we do because I myself have done so...w...
Posted by People never get flowers while they can smell them on Mon, 10 Sep 2007 01:41:00 PST

Birth Control too much?!

Hello everyone.... I am writing this blog because of an article I saw in the Chicago Sun Times yesterday. Now, this is just simply my opinion on the article. The article was about birth control at co...
Posted by People never get flowers while they can smell them on Tue, 21 Aug 2007 11:02:00 PST

is the government distributing medication with AIDS in it?!

Hello all: My sister wrote this blog, and I found the you tube link she posted to be quite interesting. Please read and let me know what you think. Thanks! -Nelle   Boggled Everyone and everythi...
Posted by People never get flowers while they can smell them on Mon, 13 Aug 2007 08:26:00 PST

Why Black Men Love White Women

Posted by People never get flowers while they can smell them on Thu, 19 Jul 2007 12:41:00 PST

New poem

     Hey everyone,    This is another poem that I wrote yesterday. Well not  a poem, my personal thoughts.  It has been 6 months since my relationship ended. Even th...
Posted by People never get flowers while they can smell them on Thu, 28 Jun 2007 11:56:00 PST


Okay....this blog is for men only to respond. Ladies, you can respond as well but since we aren't men we cannot speak for them. I cannot believe I am up at 2:40 am writing this blog...but I just HAD t...
Posted by People never get flowers while they can smell them on Tue, 05 Jun 2007 12:56:00 PST

Cancun 2007- Memorial Day weekend

Alright, I have been getting notes and phone calls about Cancun 2007. Here was my experience. Getting there was hell! And it was hell getting back to Chicago!! Getting there...American Airlines screw...
Posted by People never get flowers while they can smell them on Mon, 04 Jun 2007 06:00:00 PST

More things that make you go, "Hmm."

Well, well. I guess I tend to put my thoughts like a list type thing ( thanks, Drea).So here goes: 1. Will my trip to CANCUN please hurry up and get here....I NEED A VACATION!! 2. To all those that ca...
Posted by People never get flowers while they can smell them on Fri, 04 May 2007 09:31:00 PST

It's just MYSPACE!!

My friend QB wrote this blog. I thought it was real talk so I decided to repost it.....   Ok, I've been contemplating a good blog for a while and I came across something interesting on a few mysp...
Posted by People never get flowers while they can smell them on Fri, 27 Apr 2007 11:00:00 PST