C.C. profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

Seriously, it's all very simple. I like music, going out, Hendricks gin, car bombs, football, and twirling my hair. I get very competitive playing charades and Taboo. I love my friends because they never hold it against me when I make an ass of myself. My car has many dents due to an unfortunate lack of depth perception. I dance like a mental to 80's music and will sometimes bust into an old cheerleading routine from high school. I don't lie or steal but I do think bad thoughts.

My Interests

Seeing good bands at terrible venues, traveling with friends, eating dinners that last 3 hours, reading books that will never make Oprah's book club. Most of all I love being around ambitious, creative people who aren't afraid to be ridiculous.Some things I want to do before shuffling off this mortal coil: visit the town my Polish great-grandmother grew up in and see if anyone looks like me, master sign language and go go dancing. And in this life, I don't care when or how it happens, I want to catch a pass from Brett Favre. A short pass. Anything over 15 yards could kill me.

I'd like to meet:

My twin with a penis.


I like almost everything. There's a lot of good music coming out of SoCal lately, especially in the Los Feliz/Silverlake scene. I'm a sucker for Brit pop, old school Rap and Punk, and love all 80's shit, good and bad. Also into House, Trip Hop and Acid Jazz.I've tried to like Reggae, I really have, just can't do it. More than anything I can't stand all the pseudo-deep-I-hate-my-life-so-I'm-better-than-you whiny shit along with the I-am-damaged-by-men-and-nobody-understands-my-pain-so-listen -to-me-moan-like-a-coyote crap. Seriously, build a bridge and get over yourself. You're not even 30, you have no idea what real suffering is.


Can't name all my faves but off the top of my head: Heathers, The Big Chill, Fletch, Airplane, Seven, Waiting for Guffman, Caddyshack, Pulp Fiction, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, Blade Runner, Elling, The Orphans.


Law and Order. Original, SVU and CI. The predictable formula both entertains and comforts me. Can only watch the reruns on TNT, I hate Dennis Farina in the new episodes. Re-discovering Golden Girls on DVD and have developed whole new respect for that show. It's actually funnier to me now than it was 20 years ago. A show about four women over the age of 60 could never get made now, let alone be a success in primetime. And they were hilarious to boot. Genius.


Fave book is Geek Love by Katherine Dunn. I've given that book to countless people to read. I've never gotten a copy returned to me.


Vince Lombardi and my great-grandmother Busha.

My Blog

A letter to those people who hold up "HONK IF YOU’RE AGAINST THE WAR" signs

Seriously, people? Really? What do you think you are accomplishing by standing on the side of the road, urging people to honk? Do you think foreign policy can be shaped by people honking as they driv...
Posted by C.C. on Sun, 30 Mar 2008 07:22:00 PST

Fuck you, pay me.

You know what P. Diddy? Fuck you. I waited on you and your entourage all night Saturday. When I politely touched your arm to ask you what you wanted to drink, you looked at me like, "How dare you touc...
Posted by C.C. on Mon, 26 Feb 2007 06:19:00 PST

The bug i killed

How big is this fucker!! I've never been one to be sqeamish about bugs, but observing this ginormous creature scurrying across my bedroom floor sent me into the most girly spaz attack ever. I was be...
Posted by C.C. on Thu, 25 May 2006 01:39:00 PST

My cat is in a family way

My youngest is pregnant. She's in an awful mess, and I don't mean maybe. I am incredibly disappointed. You expect this kind of thing from then older, wild one. BUt not from the little baby. But t...
Posted by C.C. on Tue, 28 Feb 2006 12:51:00 PST