Laura profile picture


I don't remember it, but that sounds like me

About Me

Myspace Layouts For Girls~~~I am originally from Metairie (New Orleans), Louisiana. Moved to Los Angeles after Hurricane Katrina. Working on my degree in Film Production. I miss my friends and family back home, but I love California and don't plan on moving back to the N.O. anytime soon. I have met some really great people here, who I consider some of my best friends; including my beautiful man (kisses Jef). But, New Orleans will always be my home no matter where I move. Good luck to all back in the dirty south! I miss yall!

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Laguna Beach! I love it.Pat O's Christmas Night 2006

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The Lucky Lady

My Interests


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And Jef meets the old crew!

I'd like to meet:

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Kenny Chesney, Tim McGraw, Rascal Flatts, Keith Urban, The Dixie Chicks, Sara Evans, Sugarland, Toby Keith, Trace Atkins etc... Pretty much anyone you can find in Nashville. I can't wait to visit there one day!


I love country music. I am a still a southern girl at heart no matter where I move. Kenny Chesney is my favorite. However, I do like other kinds of music, but I can't stand heavy metal (a.k.a. screaming into a microphone).


I love all kinds of movies: old and new. I love comedies such as Old School, Van Wilder, EuroTrip, Road Trip, Wedding Crashers, Waiting, The Sweetest Thing, Swingers~~~~~~I also love mob movies such as: The Godfather, Casino, The Departed, Goodfellas~~~~~~Musicals such as: Singin' in the Rain, South Pacific, Little Shop of Horrors, 42nd Street, The Happiest Millionaire~~~~~I love crazy movies that don't really make sense til the end such as: Momento, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, The Butterfly Effect, Pulp Fiction~~~~~I am also into old movies like: Casablanca, It Happened One Night, The Bicycle Theif, Gone With the Wind~~~~~Other random movies I like include: The Graduate, Sabrina(the new one), Walk the Line, Brokeback Mountain, Little Miss Sunshine, Ocean's 11, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas~~~~I could go on forever, but I won't. I like almost any genre. However, I am not too interested in Sci-Fi or fantasy films that much--there are a few exceptions though.


The Hills(It's like crack), Intervention(also like crack), Las Vegas, The Office, Caesar's 24/7, 30 Rock, American Idol, Dr. Phil, Oprah, The News(sometimes), Friends


The Notre Dame Stanford Game--21/14 baby!Jef's Face After Notre Dame beat UCLA!


My of the greatest people i've ever met! Heaven must be full of people like him. Bay Bay...anyone close to me knows who she is. I am so much like her and proud of it. I miss her so much! And of course, my parents! They're awesome. They are still in love after 32 years. Aren't they the cutest? Anyone who can put up with my shit is my hero! Love Yall!

My Blog

The Lucky Lady ...
Posted by Laura on Sat, 30 Aug 2008 01:54:00 PST