Writing and playing music,lighting things on fire, other cool crap. Explosives, heavy machinery, artillery, and other weapons are cool. I like Music, sports, anything outdoors, animals, science, a good book, fire, explosions, destruction, car wrecks, naked women (really any woman), hunting, fishing, a long nap, and my band! Anything related to drinking my face off into the 13th dimension. Cooking, (especially firing up the grill), building stuff with my hands, hitting the gym, a good BJ(especially if they swallow), smooth bass lines, riding my Harley, keg parties, wrestling with my dog (the only woman who would never do me wrong), throwing down a wicked party, hangin' w/ the homies,.......
People I don't already know.I admire people with ambition and never settle for mediocracy.I enjoy great personalities and a sense of humor that can rival mine. Anyone with intelligent conversation always spark an interest for introductions.
I really enjoy classic rock, jazz, and most genres of metal.Some prime examples would include: Godforsaken, Harrowing, Tool, A Perfect Circle, Bela FLeck, Rush, The CHili Peppers, Stuart Hamm, Clutch, Primus, Modern Jazz Movement, Guns 'N Roses, Nonpoint, Mudvayne, OTEP, any chick with an awesome voice (Sarah McLaughlin, Enya, Tori AMos, Sheryl Crow, Nora Jones, etc), J. S. Bach, Dave Mathews, ZZ Topp, Bond, anything written by me, ihateniggers, Merciful Fate, Dream Theatre, Iron Maiden, Deocide, Necrophagist, Arsis...this list could last a mile.......use your imagination!
Anything with gratuitous sex and violence and sci-fi. Goodfellas, Casino, Ronin, anything dealing with organized crime or has Robert DeNiro in it. And too many others to posssibly list. Comedy and Sci-Fi.
The effing Discovery Channel! Most HBO seasonal series (The Sopranos, Deadwood, Rome, Entourage) and I am not proud to say.....Elimidate! Yes its true.
The Bible, Undaunted Courage, Old Yeller, Dune, Playboy (I know it's a magazine), How to Conduct a Successful Sting Operation,......
Conan the Barbarian, He-Man (the Master of the Universe), Knonque J, anyone not scared to start over, the person I wish to be.