About Me
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All praise, glory, and power the Holy Father in Heaven, as well as His Holy Queen( I will explain this further down the page), For without this grand Unity none would be of existence, and all would be lost... and big ups to the Holy Son Jesus who guides my every word and direction to achieve total salvation in learning and speaking the truth....
Thank You O' Lord, for opening my eyes and ears to what the rest of the world seems not to understand in full.... Through your mighty power and guidance that which is broken will be made whole again.
I will do my best to accomplish the missions you have set forth for me... I am grateful for the knowledge you have given me, and the knowledge you continue to give me, now on goes my journey to get the others to understand, I LOVE YOU DEARLY, and I Thank You DAILY with great Honor and Joy... for Your's is the power, praise, glory, and worship forever and ever... Amen........
I am very glad I found You...
Get this video and more at MySpace.com.......Peace Brothas and Sistas... This ya boy Devoted Truth aka VersaTyle VS comin from Denver, Colorado, now in Naples, Fl reppin my city properly. I`m 21yrs old right now and I`m... I guess you can say the last of a dying breed... One of the few who is about Truth and the exposing of that which is false...:As 4 Me:5`5", long black hair, brown eyes, medium build, 155lbs. I got a bomb personality along wit plenty of confidence so I guess you could say I just know who I am and what I can do, feel me? Now I ain`t no angel but I try to be honest as much as possible because I believe lies will always turn out for the worst in the end.
I`m a very artistic person who enjoys activities such as poetry sessions, freestylin, writin, droppin beats, gettin blowed, vibin on the real, etc... I love to meet new people and make new friends so don't be afraid to hit me up... I'm hella coo and I have compassion for other people's feelings, therefore you will never feel uncomfortable or disrespected with me, trust.
I am what is called an old soul, I enjoy old music, and I tend to be quite the homebody... I love to all types of movies so I don't have a particular favorite catagory... I like primarily mexican and italian foods, and sometimes I'll go for a quick burger and fries, lol...
I am a highly intelligent and spiritual young man, with much respect for myself as well as those I encounter... I pride myself on being honest and forthright at all times, no matter the circumstance I feel it is important to express one's true thoughts and views... If I am asked the right questions I will give the correct answers always...
One bad thing about myself (at least I think it's bad) is I tend to wear my heart on my shoulder, and I end up getting hurt in the process... By this I mean when I do find someone I love, I love very hard with every emotion and with nothing but devotion... I like to spend time with the one I choose to give myself to, even when we are out and about... I don't shy away from giving public affection, like kissing, gazing deeply into one another's eyes, whispering sweet nothings, opening doors, etc... I'm a sucker for romance and affection, and I love attention... I also like to give whatever I recieve... A lot of women think that this is what they want but when it comes down to it... It's much too real for them, I guess they would rather have the type to ignore them, put people before them, and not answer when they call... But who really knows?... Most people don't know what they want these days...
I am very experienced and I must say that I know the anatomy of a woman quite well... I take extra care and give special attention to her needs, and I tend to make sure she is pleased before I am... Which I believe is a quality most men should have...Last but not least I have a dominating sense of humor that always seems to get a laugh and/or smile everywhere I go....
Like what you hear, hit me up wit a note or on a messenger. I return all notes even if you don't attract me, I'm not stuck up like most people, I'm friendly and willing to talk to anyone, and unlike most men, I know the difference and boudaries between "talking" to someone and just talking as friends... Real friends, not that BS about benefits, you know, lol...
I don't descriminate much on the ladies, I love mind over matter if you know what I mean... Just hit me up, whoever you are and whatever you look like, just come with some intelligence and honesty, and we'll talk from there. Just be real... I will...:NOTICE:"One God" people, there is only one grand creator and I will explain further about His partner further down the page. Christianity contains a sort of misleading trickery in my eyes. I do not DIRECTLY pray to, or shall I say WORSHIP Jesus, for HE HIMSELF constantly urged people that He is able to do the things He can do ONLY through the glory of His Father in Heaven. Therefore, I do not pray DIRECTLY to Jesus, I accept Him as the Sacrificial Lamb and give Him praise as the Savior of our sins, and Divine Guide to the Truth, but my worship and prayers are made to God, The Father, the First and the Last. Don't get me wrong, I too love Jesus very much as my savior and my brother, He is a man WORTHY of PRAISE but He didn't intend for us to WORSHIP Him, praise and worship are TWO different words... I only accept, honor, and thank Him as my savior and guide..........praise- 1. the act of expressing approval or admiration; commendation 2. the offering of grateful homage to a God or a deity as in words or song. i.e. ( praiseworthy)- deserving of praise.......Worship-1. reverent honor and homage paid to God or a sacred personage. or to any object regarded as sacred. 2. to render religious reverence and homage, as to a deity. 3. to attend services of divine worship 4. to feel an adoring reverance or regard........pray- 1. to offer devout petition, praise, THANKS, etc. as to God or a PERSON
(So I give Him praise of Thanks, I give God Praise of Worship and Thanks together, feel me?)
Two seperate words:The Balance of Man and Woman:Now another firm belief of mine, is that the earth were created by God and His Wife... Yes this may sound a bit strange but let me explain... The natural balance of life consists of man 'and' woman, not man alone as the bible would like you to think... I believe that everything was created by a man and a woman together as one God... So when the bible says to be as one in marrage, they are also saying be balanced in the nature of your creators...
Though the Holy Queen is a vital part of this Unity, it is natural that the Father is still the One who "wears the pants" so to speak... So don't get me wrong, The Father is still the One who answers our prayers, I'm only saying that do not forget or "erase" the signifigance of the Queen.
In Genisis it clearly states, Let US make man in OUR' image, meaning that it was more than one person... Some believe it to be many Gods, I believe that it was a Man and a Woman, and They created Adam and Eve together... True, woman was made from man's rib, but that doesn't mean they are beneath us, that says that they are the missing piece to our puzzle, the only thing that makes us complete...
I do believe Jesus had a wife, because I do believe Jesus was a man... He was just a man who chose to live more accordingly than others, this is the reason God had given Him the power to heal and lead nations...
Every man and woman on earth has this potential, only most of us will never be able to achieve it because most of us, in fact, all of us have a demon of some sort... Whether the demon is hate, jealousy, eny, greed, lust, etc.. no matter what demon, it is still a demon... And if God were to give you this power, the demon's inside of you would tempt you to do evil with them... Instead of good.
I do still believe that Jesus was the sacrificial lamb because, He WAS' the ONLY one who actually lived accordingly, taught of the Truth, and actually followed the every word of His Father in Heaven... While others did not... feel me?
So what they did was, take everything out of the bible that made Jesus look like a man, and left everything that made Him look like a pure God, that way no one would know that they too are Sons and Daughters of God, and they too have the capacity to do as Jesus did if they lived right and were truely pure at heart...
They did this so that we would venture even further away from the Truth, therfore misleading us further away from the Lord's true purpose for man and woman. Healers of the earth and it's contents, seekers and speakers of that which is True, and exposers of earthly and demonic falsehoods and deceptions... real talk........I am not a muslum, I am not a christian, I am not a jew... I refuse to be branded into any religion for I don't believe God would really want it this way. The bible constantly speaks of fellowship and brotherhood.
How can we build true brotherhood and love for fellowman if we keep dividing people? Dividing colors, ethnicities, cultures, and religion is an outrage toward the Lord and His word in my eyes.
Few will listen, many will parrish, let`s leave this burden on the white man (the evil ones or the oppressors, there are some that are good), they are the ones who corrupt our lessons, and teach us what "they" want us to know, and not EVERYTHING we`re supposed to know. Those who need more detail or have questions about my comments here, be free to hit me.:Adam and Eve:I believe that when the bible refers to the "apple", that it was only symbolic for virginity and innocence... Both Adam and Eve were as children when it came to that knowledge, they knew nothing of sex... What the serpent did was come to Eve, and she was as a child... He molested her, maybe even went inside of her feel me? Whether she actually enjoyed it or not, she was exposed to it...
Then she went back to Adam, he was as a child still, sure he noticed a difference in Eve, she had been deflowered, but he did not understand that at the time... So Eve came to Adam, and had shown him what the serpent had shown her... This is why when they were finished they suddenly knew what thier parts were for, became ashamed of them and covered them up...
They forever have been demoralizing women in the bible since then... They try to make you believe that baring children and bleeding once a month is the woman's curse for Eve's mistake... But to bare life is the blessing...
Therefore, the woman's curse in my eyes, is that man will lust after her forever... Make him think uncleanly about her, as well as make him desire to do unclean things to her...
America and other countries have now made the woman into "the" symbol of sex... And now most women accept it, this is the result of lustful "pigs" wanting to see thier flesh, which will only lead to more lost souls. Lust 'is', was, and always 'will' be the greatest down fall of mankind... Merely because it is the most offended, as well as the most overlooked and bypassed... Men will continue in thier lust, as will women.. Which brings me to my next section...:IMPORTANT NOTICE:
Read of the Bible... REVALATIONS ch. 18... For this is the reason why women must stop dancing with sexually suggestive movements, dressing in attire that appeals to the sexual part of a mans mind, and also to stop being so "OK" with America's concept of Sexy... These things will send men to hell for lusting after you, and you will also be sent to hell for throwing it out there to be lusted after... Don't like what I just said, tough, but it's true. Don't want to accept it, you'll see what will happen.
No... I am NOT the Judge, but I assure you that I am very close to Him... He didn't put these things in my mind and make me believe in them so strongly for nothing, I truely believe what I tell you is right... I am just trying to help. I know that I can't save anyone let alone everyone, it is up to the induvidual whether or not they believe in what I am telling you now...
Read the 18th chapter in Revalations please, Read about the great prostitute Babylon and all that she loves and holds dear, i.e. shameless luxery, and her cup filled with the disgusting wine of her fornications, and her unholy acts to God in heaven as well as on earth...
ANY Questions that you may have during your reading PLEASE, feel free to ask me... I'm not saying that I have all the answers, but I will say that there are logical answers that do not come from me alone... They seem to really pour out of no where, and I truely take that as a messege from God to me, for you...
Take heed my people, for God loves us all, and he does want us to stop this madness... We must end the approvals of lust, and women don't know it, but they have the MOST power to end it, for they have the power to take away the sight, provoking gestures, and obscure motives, but if they will like to continue to live in shameless luxery and pour thier lusts into the hearts of man, she will be lost along with Babylon, of which whom she follows.
Ladies also read.... I Timothy 5: 11-15 many of you have already succumbed
I will give one verse though... "But she that liveth in pleasure is dead while she liveth" I Timothy 5:6, think about that one...:MY PEOPLE:We must unite, for a people divided are a people who will never prosper. A house divided against itself will fall... Don`t you see whites, mexicans, asians, etc... basically every other race in this country are way more together than we are. Too much energy is wasted on killing one another, instead of helping one another to achieve victory. Victory of the end of black on black crime, victory over the murder, oppression, and unequal treatment of our race.
We must not allow them to label us as criminals any longer, the 13th Amendment clearly states that Slavery in the U.S. is outlawed `except` for if the induvidual is a criminal.
The point is, they feed us this criminal mentality and give us the image that if we ain`t being gangsta, we ain`t bein black, thus by branding us as criminals from birth, they mislead our lives back into slavery, "the modern slave trade" as I call it which is actually enslavement of the mind.
Too many of our soulja`s are blinded by these demons, it is my job, as well as the job of all who decide to join me to turn our people`s hate, anger, and guns away from eachother, and start to build a nation, One Nation, Under God, the one and only True God, which is a combinanation of Him and His Wife as One...
Do this and we will "really" have a Black America. Everyday we are puting on masks and fronts just to get a job, even to keep that job. Acting the way they see as sophisticated even to be acknowledged as respectable person, which rarely happens anyway. My people, feel me on this one... We been in this position for WAY TOO LONG...
It is time for action, much past due action if you ask me... Anyone with questions or want more knowledge about this crooked government and the evil plans of the Illuminati who control the government, the one who controls the Illuminati, false religion, or just want to talk on the "real" wit me period, all it takes is a note.:NOTICE:THE ILLUMINATI IS REAL... THIER EVIL PLANS ARE TRUE... PLEASE SPEAK WITH ME IF YOU DESIRE THE KNOWLEDGE... WE MUST SPEAK IN A PRIVATE CHAT AREA OR MESSENGER... FREE POSTING SUCH INFORMATION IS VERY DANGEROUS... HOPE TO TALK TO YOU SOON... MAY GOD BE WITH US ALL... TIME IS RUNNING OUT!!!... FASTER THAN YOU THINK!!!!:BRIEF INSIGHT:
They seek the national vote of the people to achieve total domination... The way they are gonna do this is carry out the devils plan... You see the Illuminati are an occult of Satinist or Satin Worshipers... The agenda is to carry out the predictions stated in the book of Revelations...
First to create a false peace by conducting a One World Government, or a "New World Order", which is stated in latin on the bottom of the pyrimid on the back of the dollar bill... (Novus Ordo Seclorum) New Order of Ages or roughly New World Order...
The way they are going to create this one world government is to unite the nations with a single political leader who will be justified and backed by a false prophet, which will arise from the Catholic religion, from a member of the Vatican... the Pope...
This "religious" leader will be falsely passing himself as the return of the Son of Man, and will commit blasphemous miracles before the eyes of man to justify his position...
And with this false prophet who the world will believe is the son of man, will deem the political leader holy and worthy of the position to rule the one world system... Which will be of a time where we will only be able to buy, sell, and trade by taking the mark of the image of the beast and his number...six three score and six ...
These two beings will not be real, though they are physically visible and they speak, they will actually be puppets of the beast who controls them.. It will be the demons blasphemous mockery of the Holy Trinity...
But the point is that the Illuminati being in most high powerful positions, are planning to pave the way for thier master to take over the earth, and thier plans are in progress at this very moment...
all events to this point (i.e. war for profit and power), and the governments attempts to keep our attention on unimportant matters like "gay marriage" are keeping us occupied while they conduct what is to come, such as bodily barcodes and microchips, which has been presented by the Bush Administration ... Feel me? Hit me up if you would like to know more........I am what I am, I am who I am, this will always be who I am...
I do believe that much of what I say to you is true in my heart and soul...
God has touched me in a way that I do not see many touched...
He has given me this task... and I will continue to follow His every guiding step even if it kills me.
This is why I need you to please just listen, even if you don't take it in, you only had to hear it, and I'm quite sure it will all make sense in good time. For what dwells in the dark will eventually be summoned to the light, always... Thank You for reading, God Bless........Well that about wraps it up...... for now, Anything else you wanna know about me or my so called "theories" as they would put it (knowledge, understanding, and wisdom of the Truth as I see it)... Just ask and you`ll recieve. Also when the Lord said if you ask you shall recieve, take it literally, ASK Him to OPEN your EYES and EARS to the truth, and eventually you will begin to SEE and HEAR in a whole new Light... Holla back... Devoted Truth:P.S:Never put too much trust in anyone, Believe me you`ll "NEVER" know who`s with you and who`s against you, all you can do is watch your back, real talk. Trust is not to be given freely, it is to be earned........Now remember what I`ve said so far, know that some of these rappers and entertainers aren`t good people. A lot of em sell us out by glorifying the murder of our people, glorify the fact that we do what we gotta do cuz we poor. They`re all about the money, and the money is a false god. That`s why it`s called the root of all evil. Feel me brotha`s and sista`s, watch and listen to everything around you, there are worlds within worlds out here, never be caught off gaurd. God Bless, Gone........
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