I like cycling, racing, long walks on the beach, HAHAHAHA, no seriously I stay pretty busy, will squeeze time in my scheldule for this, so I can be cool too! But my interests are my family, my BEAUTIFUL Daughter & AWESOME Boyfriend . I'm interested in their happiness, ooooohhh, ain't I sweet? But remember I am Ashlee's mom, so here's the place to get dirt on her!!! Go ahead, anything you want to know, I'm the source of information! Just pickin Ash, you know I won't tell em about, you know...............Oh and yeah, I hate my pic being taken, so most of my pics will be of Ash.
Jean Claude Van Damn, Mel Gibson, Steven Seagall, {notice a pattern here?!} They are all too sexxy 4 words.
I LOVE CLASSIC ROCK and Heavy Metal! Which most of you consider OLD rock, like Guns N Roses, Poison, Def Leopard, but also like Hoobastank, 3 Doors Down, and alot of the newer Country. My ALL TIME Fav, is AC/DC. Highway to Hell is about Ronni's and my life. Or at least hers anyway. So she says.Breakin The Girl, heard them play at Pasttimes, I was suprisingly quite impressed! Ash has their CD and I've grown to LOVE IT, don't know what it is about that song, but I listen to Romeo & Juliete, like 10+ times a day!!! YOU GUYS ROCK!!! HaHa, those of you that know me, know that's my phrase!!!
Wizard of Oz RULES!!! But also love, Red Dawn, Roadhouse, Faceoff, Broken Arrow..... I LOVE ACTION flicks, but with a plot, not just alot of shooting and blood, I like there to be a story line to follow.
Don't watch much, pretty much listen to music and when tv is on, watching movie or playing CD.
True Life Crime, people with absolutly no consceince intrigue me
my bestest friend Ronni.... ( LOL ) Everyone should have a crazy bf.I should NEVER have left her alone with myspace.