You Belong in New York City
I'm an energetic, ambitious woman.
And only NYC is fast enough for me.
Maybe I'll set myself up with a killer career
Or simply take in all the city has to offer.What City Do You Belong In?
jurnalism, music (POLISH PUNK ROCK! :D), dogs and many others :p
everyone ;)
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polish punk rock :d rock and generally heavy musicsometimes sth stupid! :P
~ System of a down
~ Zabili Mi Zolwia
~ Farben Lehre
~ Pogodno
~ Happysad
~ Pidzama Porno
~ Strachy na lachy
~ T.Love
~ Kult
~ Indios Bravos
~ Oddzial Zamkniety
~ Vavamuffin
~ "Corpse Bride (AKA Tim Burton's Corpse Bride)"
~ "Tylko mnie kochaj"
~ "Mean girls"
~ "Gohst"
~ "Shrek"