When not drooling over women whose breasts are freakishly huge, I work on building out my sports web sites, the most famous being Sports Grumblings .
I write for Sports Illustrated when they decide to occasionally lower their journalistic standards... Here's an example .
I also spend time on the radio... you may have heard my syndicated feature, the Fantasy Football Minute on your favorite sports talk station-- or you may have caught me on any one of several sports talk stations across the country as "Mr. Fantasy" (I know, I think that sounds weak too).
Finally, I host a live, two-hour live internet broadcast (available on iTunes as a Podcast) called "Gridiron Grumblings Live!" during the football season. Catch it at the Fantasy Football Radio Network every Friday night at 9:05PM ET.
Here's an easy way to subscribe to two of my Podcast series:
Fantasy Football Minute:
Gridiron Grumblings Live!: