Skiing, Baseball, Guitar, Drums, Photography.. and more more more... just ask... can't think right now.30
OnePlusYou Quizzes and Widgets
Whoever stole my freaking guitar! Stupid crackhead... oh, wait... the PO-LICE caught him... thanks to yours truly... went to the used music store and gave them a description.. sure enough... butternut showed up there to sell it... the PO-PO was called, and he's now in the clinker! Boo and YAH!
A whole lot.
Anything either funny as crap, or that might scare the pee out of me.
Friday Night Lights, The History Channel, Little People-big world.
Bible, Farenhiet 451, The Red Badge of Courage, Dante's Divine Comedy, etc...
Jesus, for giving screwups like all of us a chance. Papaw, for always supporting my dreams, and for giving me my Dad. Dad, for teaching me all the things that education seems to miss. And for always providing for us growing up, even though I'm sure we never had much in those early days, we always got plenty of what we needed. I LOVE MY DAD!