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The people. I hear your voice that is unheard of in Washington, Tallyhoe and Tampa. I am not influnced by money I can not be bought. I do like women and the better looking you are the more I am willing to listen to you.
Ready for the World, Tony! Toni! Tone!, Boys II Men, Mint Condition, Shai, Jodeci, Dru Hill, EWF, Four Tops, Tempations, TuPac, JT Money, Biggie, OutKast, First Goodie MOB
StarWars (all) Lord of the Rings (all) Shawshank, Unforgiven, Usual Suspects, Seven
Anime, The Sheild, Old Cosby and Different World, Wrestling
Malcom X, 1984, The Prince
Any person who was a living example of what they believed in.