__/'1996'/__ In early autumn, based in the western part of the Czech Republic nearby Cheb, five of us, Koller(vox), Mesy(vox), Karel(guitar), Tomas(bass-R.I.P.) and Rezy(drums) start playing together as FATAL CATALEPSY.
__/'1997'/__ 22.2. in Tachov we play alongside FLESHLESS, PANDEMIA & INGROWING our first gig. After the second one a week later, we change the name to ONANIZER. Especially thanks to PANDEMIA, we had a chance to play a bunch of very decent shows at that time. Though to get through wasn't easy, as there was no grindcore audience in this region at all. We do self-release of a video tape with some this year's gigs.
__/'1998'/__ April is the time to enter Prague's Hostivar Studio and to record our debut "Ansikte Mot Ansikte", a year later released on MC by ukrainian DAC Prod. From this recordings were also used some tracks for 7" EP split w/ CAUSE OF EFFECT (Machismo Prod., Australia). We are guests in local radio Egrensis. More gigs are coming, first open air's, but also a sad event, when on 29.7. our bassist Tom chose to get out of this world.
__/'1999'/__ We carry on without bass. In summer there were festivals like Fekal Party II. in Prague or Obscene Extreme fest I., where we were forced due to work duties of our drummer to ask Zbyna from INGROWING to play instead. Together with Barney from PERVERSIST as the guest 3rd singer, we did totally insane half improvisation grind/noise set with people moshing all over the place, must say, probably the best we ever have done. In Autumn we record in Jumbo Studio in Tachov "Rop", unfortunatelly released only in 03'. At the end of year Karel moves to London and the band stops.
__/'2000'/_ - _/'2001'/__ Karel plays in UK with GRIND PARK, Mesy and Rezy founded SO PURE, Koller moves to Spain.
__/'2002'/__ Later this year is Karel back and ONANIZER is practising again. Bass is now handling by Rozis from EMPTY FEELING. Because Koller is still travelling, the second vocalist becomes our friend Brizic. In December first reunion show. There's D.I.Y. live CD-R from this session made by PODEGRA.
__/'2003'/__ Due to problems with rehersal room is the band practising rarely and in April leaves to London Mesy for a change. The rest keep playing and concentrate on composing new songs instead of playing live. But soon there was more than obvious, that Brizic and Rozis are not so hot about playing grindcore and after loosing rehersal room definitevely, Karel moves to Ceske Budejovice(Budweiss). Released on CD-R "Rop" from 99' recordings by Panda Music.
__/'2004'/__ A few months later goes on south also Rezy. The band joins new vocalist Jirka, currently studying in this city, otherwise also from the western region. Koller comes back to Czech, rejoin the band, but lives far away and do only shows without rehersals. There's no bass, but second guitar, managed by Robert Major. With this line-up we start in February in Prague's great rock club Kain. We play really massively, also often abroad(Belgium, Germany, Slovak Rep., Austria...) In June Robert goes back to his hometown on the other side of the country and quits ONANIZER. To help out, joins the band for a few months and a few gigs bassist Honza Vanek from OBLOMOV. We have 3 vocalists. All the shows do Jirka, usually in CZ joined by Koller, abroad by Mesy, sometimes screams alone. D.I.Y. live DVD-R made by ROTTEN COLD from our appearence on Hoowah Hoowah festival in Wolfsberg/Austria.
__/'2005'/__ Temporary help Honza leaves the place for 17 year's old Zbysa, who's in January playing his first gig. A month later Koller announces quitting the band due to lack of time. Mesy is flying more often from London now, though Jirka has still to manage some shows on his own. In March in Hellsound Studio is made our first pressed CD "Too Good To Be True"(Lecter Music Agency). Playing Obscene Extreme fest the second time. In November leaves drumer Rezy, also to London.
__/'2006'/__ Found new drummer David (ex- Gride, Avenger, Martyrium Christy, Plastic Grave...) April's mini tour with PANDEMIA in Germany. Numerous stage hitting since then again. Krhanice open air. "Too good.." is also out on CD-R in Malaysia through Suarabebas Prod. T-shirts made. Guests in well known Radio 1 in Prague. First time in France.
__/'2007'/__ First time in Hungary. A.F.O.D. open air. During summer recorded 7" EP split w/HxCxF from France, released by 6 cooperating labels. 3 way split CD on Grinhead Rec./Australia is due to be released. Karel moves to Prague. Jirka, Zbysa and David quit the band. Offer to tour Europe had to be turned down because of this. Karel and Mesy are currently seeking new members...Zodiac
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