Fredcore (BBB/TB por vida!) profile picture

Fredcore (BBB/TB por vida!)

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I don't drink, I don't smoke,I hang out in bars, I honestly don't care if you like me or think I'm "cool", I curse, I jaywalk, I don't wish I was a little bit taller, I don't wish I was a baller, I workout, I eat crappy food, I curse like a sailor's nephew, I have tattoos, I hate racists-homophobes-sexist dickheads-holier than thou assholes of any sort, I have bad knees, I hate holidays, I love music, I'm very random, I'm better/worse looking in person, I have several nicknames, I'm a bit pessimistic,and I'm kinda awesome in my own very important opinion, I have very little patience in situations involving assholes, I am a product of my environment, I'm quite fond of music and movies, I walk upright, I have no criminal record, and yes...I am quite fond of myself. YOU SHOULDN'T CARE..but if you do, just know that I don't care what you think. I'm cynical, a bit of an asshole, a wee bit arrogant (but not self-centered). I try to avoid topics of conversation where people can state OPINION as FACT...for this is the act of an asshole, and nobody ever wants to talk to (or talk like) an asshole...therefore, I reserve my conversations about politics, religion, music, and sports to specific company because I don't like to argue, and I hate to be told that my OPINION is wrong.KAAAAWWW!!!!

My Interests

tattoos, music, good friends,sports, living, breathing, thinking, learning, forgetting, remembering, liking, loving, disliking, hating, eating, drinking(not alcohol), hanging, rocking, hip-hopping, walking, talking, tripping, falling, meeting, kissing, fornicating, looking, listening, educating, helping, hoping, breaking, destroying, rebuilding, undressing, being nice to the elderly, being an ass when the situation calls for it, being an ass when the situation doesn't call for it, defending, pretending I care, being a smartass, being quiet, communicating with the opposite sex (as rarely as it happens), illin', chillin', top billin', DOING WHAT I DO, BECAUSE I'M THE BEST AT WHAT I DO, being me

I'd like to meet:

It would be my greatest honor to meet people who know who they are, and don't live their lives based on what they see on TV. I would like to meet people from different places, who know things that I don't know. I would like to meet people who get tattoos because they like tattoos, not because they saw some douche on the TV who looked cool with one. Anybody who isn't a bullshitter, a manipulative fucker, a racist, sexist, a homophobe. People with more than one side to themselves, who listen to different kinds of music because each genre represents a different side of one individual. People who are honest and upfront without being assholes about it. People who are honest with others, and honest with themselves. People who denounce any connotation of the "N" word(this word is NOT my friend, therefore I choose not to use it). People who want more from life and don't mind working hard to get it. YOU


The Used, Promise the Ghost, Refused, Breaking Benjamin, Fall Out Boy, Story of the Year, Kanye West, The Game, TI, Motion City Soundtrack, The Bloodlet Signature, Slipknot, Mos Def, Old Metallica, Korn, Hawthorne Heights, The Black Maria, My Chemical Romance, Avenged Sevenfold, 2Pac, Talib Kweli, Old Goodie MOb, Outkast, Linkin Park, Thrice, Boys Night Out, OTEP, Atreyu, Shadows Fall, Baak Gwai, DMX, Jay Z, The Sea is Dying, Slim Thug, Green Day, Silverstein, The Black Maria, Jadakiss, Styles, Field Mob, Affections Else, Taking Back Sunday, Panic! at the Disco, Gym Class Heroes, GOD FORBID, James Blount, Eagles of Death Metal, Underoath, 30 Seconds to Mars, Butch Walker, Killswitch Engage, Flyleaf, Universal Joint, Artemis Piledriver, Young Agent Jones


Pulp Fiction, Tombstone, Menace 2 Society, The Big Lebowski, The Program, Basic, Friday, Reservoir Dogs, Casino, Blow, Scarface, the original Friday 13th, Fight Club, O' Brother Where Art Thou, Trainspotting, Ocean's Eleven, Old School, American Pie, CB4, Don't Be A Menace To South Central While Drinking Your Juice N The Hood, 8mm, Enter the Dragon, The Last Dragon, Kill Bill Vol. 1&2, Austin Powers (every fuckin one), Secretary, PORN, Vs., Snake Eyes, Matchstick Men, A Time to Kill, X, Training Day, Bad Boys 1&2, Grosse Pointe Blank, Underworld, Get Shorty, Warriors, Higher Learning, the first Matrix, Pirates of the Carribbean, The Girl Next Door, Saw, Snatch, Critters, Clerks, Office Space, Mallrats, Backstage, American History X, 25th Hour, Juice, Above the Rim, Deep Cover, Boondock Saints, Meet the Parents, Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back, Dogma, Along Came Polly, The Whole 9 Yards, The Whole 10 Yards, Snatch, 12 Monkeys, Napolean Dynamite, Varsity Blues, Ferris Beuller's Day Off, A Christmas Story, Kiss the Girls, Long Kiss Good Night, Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels, Life, Slingblade, Double Jeopardy, Harold and Kumar Go To White Castle, Zoolander, Love Actually, Garden State, Shaun of the Dead, Taking Lives, True Romance,Sideways, Sin City, Elephant, House of Flying Daggers, Thirteen, Anchorman, Dodgeball, 40 Year Old Virgin, Crash, Waiting, Fun With Dick and Jane, The Producers, Wedding Crashers, Derailed, The Skeleton Key, Fear and Loathing In Las Vegas, Raising Arizona, Derailed, 16 Blocks


The Art of War several times and versions


my Mother, my Brother and ALL OF THE TROOPS OVERSEAS

My Blog


  met these dudes a long time ago....back when they were a crew...
Posted by Fredcore (BBB/TB por vida!) on Fri, 25 Apr 2008 02:40:00 PST

some days are longer than others

I woke up this morning wanting to call and talk to my brother.  Maybe I dreamed abou thim or something..don’t know.  But I can’t just call and talk to my brother, can I??  N...
Posted by Fredcore (BBB/TB por vida!) on Thu, 10 Apr 2008 04:07:00 PST


"Play your own game, be your own man, and don't ask anybody for a stamp of approval"                     &...
Posted by Fredcore (BBB/TB por vida!) on Wed, 14 Nov 2007 01:32:00 PST


I miss my brother.
Posted by Fredcore (BBB/TB por vida!) on Sun, 15 Jul 2007 11:59:00 PST

words for me to live by from myself to myself

I'll sleep when I'm old   I'll rest when I'm dead   for now, let's make some memories.
Posted by Fredcore (BBB/TB por vida!) on Wed, 25 Apr 2007 01:56:00 PST

ain't got no money...can't relate

I miss violence in rap music.  I remember when rap (of the GANGSTA type) was criticized for being too violent.  Now I, Fred, will criticize it for being to money-oriented/fagalicious.  ...
Posted by Fredcore (BBB/TB por vida!) on Sat, 31 Mar 2007 07:51:00 PST

at one point I cared

now I just don't really give a shit.  Don't really know what happened, but at some point in the recent past I just stopped giving a shit.  Now I do as I please without fearing the opinions o...
Posted by Fredcore (BBB/TB por vida!) on Fri, 23 Mar 2007 12:36:00 PST


I have a heart murmur.   I have decided to name my heart murmur.   I have decided to name my heart murmur BOB.   Why BOB?  Why not...that's why.   BOB and I are going home to ...
Posted by Fredcore (BBB/TB por vida!) on Wed, 06 Dec 2006 08:33:00 PST

just to clear things up to those who don't know..

I, Fred (core), am not STRAIGHT EDGE...I'm just regular ass drug free.   and I'm the shit.
Posted by Fredcore (BBB/TB por vida!) on Wed, 04 Oct 2006 11:50:00 PST

I was tagged

The first player of this game starts with 6 weird things/habits/stories about him/herself and people who get tagged must write a blog of their own 6 weird things, as well as state this rule clearly. I...
Posted by Fredcore (BBB/TB por vida!) on Sat, 05 Aug 2006 02:19:00 PST