Esther profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

"you cant be twenty on sugar mountain" so you definitely can not be 21, but i sometimes like to pretend. i wake up everyday a bit later than i would like, i want time for breakfast or tea or something. my room has been a wreck since i moved in. i stumble over the two cats who live here every time i walk up or down the stairs (of course the cats aren't going to move). i love: birds and trees and singing.
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i have and irrational fear of: people hearing me breath, people knowing that my stomach hurts, flies/maggots, and lice.In the future: i hope to become a children's author, and a school teacher. ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------I loved you in the morning, our kisses deep and warm ------------------------your hair upon the pillow like a sleepy golden star many loved before us, i know that we are not new in city and in forest they smile like me and you -----------------------now its come to distances and both of us must try--------------- your eyes are soft with sorrow-------------- hey, that's no way to say goodbye---------------I'm not looking for another as i wander in my time------------- walk me to the corner our steps will always rhyme-------------- you know my love goes with you as your love stays with me its just the way it changes like the shore line and the sea --------------------let's not talk of love or chains or things we can't untie ----------------------your eyes are soft with sorrow -----------hey thats no way to say goodbye.

My Interests

electricity---honesty---walking---talking---singing---talkin g to myself--the clan (my family)---cigaretts---animals in my front yard---mustard yellow--clean hair---long earings---longer days---sunglasses that look like fly eyes---NOT FLIES (i hate flies)----mary j. smith---the song green onions---people acting real---rain---childrens books---picture books--sada--food--climbing trees---christmas lights---

I'd like to meet:

myself when i was 6. i think we'd get along very well.


listen to my profile song. all the way through. dont let the beginning throw you off.


The Red Balloon, The Royal Tenembaums,Breathless, 1930's French Version of Beauty and the Beast, Emperor's New Groove, Its a wonderful Life, Fantastic Planet, Noi Albanoi, Wings of Desire, my name is ivan, silent movies,The muppet christmas Carol, la dolce vida.


nope, not very often-----what not to wear--adult swim--curbyourenthusiasm---movies.


i have a list of them that i still have to read. ..

My Blog

And i would name him Ransome

We will not be broken by bones and skina subtle death is sinking ina whisper of a darker deed,a sin where no one intercedesWe are not just woven by bones and skina soul is holding our breath ina weake...
Posted by Esther on Wed, 12 Sep 2007 07:36:00 PST

sweat out my thoughts

Nothing to personal in this blog entry. my brain has been fuzzy for the last few days.maybe it is just that i need a cigarette or that i cant sleep. maybe someone should bring me one. My ten year old...
Posted by Esther on Sat, 11 Aug 2007 01:15:00 PST

rose hip november

i looked up at the sky tonight and i felt like a child. That there was so many small things like ants and grubs and slugs and spiders that i ignore so often because i am to old to appreciate the fact...
Posted by Esther on Thu, 07 Jun 2007 12:56:00 PST

taking naps with kitty panda

i once had some one say that it was a "leonard cohen day" i am not sure what they ment but i can guess and, i sang a lot of his songs in the shower today and thought about what they said."you eyes are...
Posted by Esther on Sat, 31 Mar 2007 04:34:00 PST


    You may already know this but sharks are the only animal that can throw up their own stomachs and dislodge anything from inside that they can not digest. You may wonder why i told y...
Posted by Esther on Sat, 03 Feb 2007 04:09:00 PST

to put it in more eloquent words

Funny how the ones you love most can make you the most angry.the end..
Posted by Esther on Tue, 12 Dec 2006 12:01:00 PST

nathaniel i'm here, i've been a little tired

i was going to say something but i think i started staring off into space and, i totally lost it. i've been a little tired lately. i cant believe that it is almost march. my two older sisters have the...
Posted by Esther on Mon, 27 Feb 2006 11:50:00 PST

if you give a girl some wine... then she'll want to control the world and if she wants..

i think i may have just screwed over one of my best friends.. i don't think "ha ha i was drunk" will patch this over ( like it sometimes does).. i miss being able to breath freely (but daaamm i want a...
Posted by Esther on Fri, 02 Dec 2005 01:44:00 PST

odd shaped blue vase 5.95$

my cigarette burns to fast and this computer is too slow. i bought a blue vase today at the local mess called denton mini mall.. it is amazing! I could walk around that place for hours and never get b...
Posted by Esther on Tue, 18 Oct 2005 05:27:00 PST


today i crashed my bike, and now i have a scrach on my knee. I am glad i did- it made me laugh.
Posted by Esther on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST