This is a mix of jazz, electronica and klezmer with songs and rhythms inspired from the eastern European landscape. Eddie's tenor saxophone pays equal tribute to jazz greats like Coltrane, Dexter Gordon, Sonny Rollins, Joe Henderson and traditional music of Carpathians and the Black Sea.
Eddie Neumann's biography starts in Tulcea, Romania where he was raised in a block of flats facing a road populated by hairy rednecks. He used to throw things at them, nuts, apples and other objects which were stored on the balcony. He watched the Danube fishermen and boats during school time which he left at his convenience for artistic purposes. His creative genius was recognised at an early age and he starred in propaganda party shows since he was 10. His first works were sincerely dedicated to Nicolae Ceausescu, arguably the most successful Romanian of all times, who managed the nation for more than two decades and who died in a regrettable shooting incident on the Christmas day in 1989. Eddie started to play the saxophone during high school, touring the county accompanying local artists, especially young girls with sophisticated dresses and hairstyles who were crossing the stage with a microphone in hand. He then moved to Timisoara for studying Sociology, as his interest in propaganda never diminished. He dedicated himself to music after his success was noticed by the sociological freaks that had taken over the faculty. Eddie Neumann became in late 90s an established saxophone player on the Romanian scene. He started to perform internationally in 1999, when he represented Romania with the Orient Express band at the Washington Smithsonian Institute's Folklife Festival. That year he visited Paris, London and New York, in the right order, as stated on best perfumes. Finally, he chose London.
Vulcan historians identify European province of Balkan peninsula as their point of departure from the human race. In 20th Century power plants brought high electric fields which changed lives of hundreds of people all over the Balkans. The mix of nationalities there, which developed certain genetical combinations, responded to those stimulae. Electric Vulcans is the name which the forefathers of Vulcan nation have won through glorious battles.
They rose under the sign of the Ventriloquist King, introduced by Ejy Vonn in his book Tat Zad, where he advocated the use of mind-melding in government. Its direct result was Zahmara, the scientific and technological revolution which enabled the Balkans to reach the stars finally leading to the discovery of their homeplanet Vulcan.
On subsequent visions of VK were built the basis of Vulcan attitudes towards emotions, reason and self-restraintA short poem headed the first 4477 AN edition by Vonn.Once there was a Ventriloquist/ He practiced and practiced/ until he became so good, that/ he developed a distinct voice for every man and woman/ Children heard him from their mothers' womb/One day he lost his own voice/ but after a while/ after lots of prayer and meditation/ He got it back/ And then he felt more powerful than ever/ The King gave all dreams and desires and puppets/ and he never claimed them back/The King gave all powers and rights and jobs/ and he never claimed them back/He is a good king, people thought./Everything is written down/ The dreams that aren't mine/ And my own dreams as well/ they all have to be in a drawer somewhere around here/ (It's so easy to get organized with these computers nowadays)/And then/ the Revolution came/ I was 16 at the time./
Ventriloquist King's fenomenal spiritual powers enabled him to change his biochemicalcharacteristics. Under his command, Electric Vulcans adapted the human body to extraterrestrialspace. They were the first copper-based humans and the first race to depart from Earth to colonize another planet.