Morbid Anal Fog profile picture

Morbid Anal Fog

Bacon, and Blood.

About Me

Formed in 1996 in the cold majestic glaciers of Greenland arose the most elite extreme black metal act known as MORBID ANAL FOG...
Rumored to be founded by the legendary Lord Valcron (guitars), and Lord Troll (Vocals) with the help of a Dr. Rythm drum machine... Years went by, no shows were ever performed. The only recordings ever made were those recorded on a Fisher Price tape recorder. Very few copies were made, and the original master tapes were lost. Original vocalist Lord Troll passed away on June 17th 1998, by taking his own life with a fan. Proof lies deep within the Morbid Anal Fog VHS archives.
However, shortly before Lord Troll passed, he ressurected the spirit of Oneiros the dream master who passed away in the late 1800’s. Oneiros created the first black metal band ever in existance, Unholy Black Crucifiction. (Venom and Bathory were NOT the first!) Once being ressurrected, Oneiros became Necronieros...The only spirit of true of unholiness worthy of continuing the reign of MORBID ANAL FOG.
In Spring of 2004 MORBID ANAL FOG released the "Baphomet’s and Butterflies" full length cassette. It was recorded in mono from a boombox that was placed inside a metal trashcan. Again, few copies were made and since the release has remained out-of-print, therfore making it a "kvlt" release. MORBID ANAL FOG plans on releasing the follow-up cassette entitled "Garthgoroth", which will feature our war brother Garth Brooks on the cover wearing corpsepaint. We will also be releasing "Garthgoroth" on 8-track and vinyl pressing, which will be sold for $6.66. Stay tuned and be prepared to face the unholy wrath of MORBID ANAL FOG.
"Euronymous Sold Varg a Bunk Eighth" Muzick Video
"Nokturnal Bacon Throne" Muzick Video
M.A.F. cover band "Lucifers Pizza" Muzick video
MAF Cover band

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Member Since: 10/2/2004
Band Website:
Band Members: KING NECRONIEROS -Founder, and oversee’er of all things M.A.F. (aka "THE BOSS")

LORD GOATLOVER - Majestic screams of vomital anguish.

LORD VALCRON - Infernal strings of blasphemy and damnation.

LORD BEARD - Wrechted thunders and soaring hammers of the apocalypse.

LORD DAMIAN’S SHADOW- Thundering rumbles of silence and sin, and reborn entity of the original Lord Damian who’s presence shall remain unseen due to the fact that he is the condoner of the sacred rock of satan.

Influences: Satan, Lucifer, Judas, Odin, witchcraft, and anything anti-Christian. Dark forests, Medival castles, wolves and cold winter landscapes.
Sounds Like: A really annoying wall of fuzz that makes you wanna kill Christians, breathe fire, and swordfight in the woods at night while wearing corpsepaint.
Record Label: NeCRAPolis Records
Type of Label: None

My Blog

Lord Valcron is endorsed by Hondo Guitars!!!!

Below are some of Lord Valcrons custom Hondo guitars.  He chose Hondo because they are KVLT,.... Besides, every gay black metal band and their mom's play B.C. Rich and Jackson guitars.  That...
Posted by Morbid Anal Fog on Wed, 21 May 2008 12:21:00 PST

Pics from the last show.

The pro pics by dear friend WERD5150 ewPicture&friendID=22899192&albumId=1572288 Also! ... Here is the link to download (some of) ...
Posted by Morbid Anal Fog on Mon, 03 Mar 2008 09:32:00 PST

The Results are in! MAF .1 in music video underground!

The MORBID ANAL FOG "Euronymous sold Varg a bunk 8th" video has 9,032 views on I compared it to the views of other bands and it's insane.....IBEX THRONE has 1,200 views and their video wa...
Posted by Morbid Anal Fog on Fri, 03 Nov 2006 08:22:00 PST

back from Japan!!!

The Japanese tour was a success.  It was fairly expensive but definatly well worth it.  We sold many copies of the "Baphomets and Butterflies" demo and a lot of the Japanese fans are die-har...
Posted by Morbid Anal Fog on Tue, 25 Apr 2006 02:15:00 PST

MAF NEWS 1/29/06

Breaking News!  We have just been informed that "Goatlover" of Grimoirium   will be joining us on vocals as we venture once again into the depths of hell fire on Feb. 11th at Lone...
Posted by Morbid Anal Fog on Fri, 27 Jan 2006 11:46:00 PST


We are very excited to announce that we will be doing a mini-tour of Japan.  The line-up will be:  INFERNAL NECROMANCY (Japan), ARES WRATH (Brazil), ARCHAIC ARGOT (Phillipines), SATANICA (Ja...
Posted by Morbid Anal Fog on Thu, 26 Jan 2006 02:25:00 PST

M.A.F. NEWS 12/6/05

Well, we've finally begun recording the long-overdue "Garthgaroth" full length recording.  It's guaranteed to surpass the "Baphomets and butterflies" debut.  Also, we've been digging th...
Posted by Morbid Anal Fog on Tue, 06 Dec 2005 03:34:00 PST

M.A.F. NEWS 5/26/05

Unfortunatley the "Garthgoroth" CD release has been put on hold due to reasons beyond my control.  We never put much into distribution into the "Baphomets and butterflies" release so we are going...
Posted by Morbid Anal Fog on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Our first show last night!!!!!

I'm happy to inform that the Graffiti's show went great last night. We played with Valsgarde, Morguetology and Dagon and all bands played great sets. We opened and played a 20 minute set. In betwee...
Posted by Morbid Anal Fog on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST