i'm a popprincess. i am short. im girly. i talk obnoxiously loud all the time. i say inappropriate things constantly (such as "fuck condoms"). i make horrible first impressions. i'm really nice but if i'm mad i get vengeful as fuck. i like to watch crappy mtv reality shows every night. im probably lurking you right now. im ridiculously sensitive so please don't make me cry. i laugh at everything. when i sleep my cheeks get all puffy and people take pictures of it. i like bags. i like to start fights when im drunk and become "sorority popprincess". i like candy a lot. i make out. i love my mommy. i have a dog named harry potter and a kitten names weasley. i like hugging. i'll do anything for my friends. i love 40's. i enjoy shopping-i used to be a JAP. i spill things all over everything. i use "heart" as a verb. i love kitties. i love that i appreciate things most people hate like ballet, opera, and broadway. people can be pretty hilarious sometimes. i have the greatest boy in the entire universe so i guess it sucks to be you? i laugh a lot when people talk shit about me via myspace. IM me at PopPrincessJess
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