psychedelic dolphins, boogie woogie, jammin, bee beards, snacks, county fairs, the reaper, rainbows, space sharks, sad hobo clowns, angry eyebrows, calvin peeing, animals doing people things, gypsy themed pornography, psychotic reactions, crystals, gothic sluts with candles in their butts, smorgasboard, orgasboard, orgasboard, gobs of gorgeous goop-de-gobble, unnaturrally large vegetables, gourds, shaq, satan
flutes, flutes designed to sound like owls, flutes shaped like owls that sound more like owls than flutes designed to sound like owls, owls
i like the title sequence of roseanne when dan connor's face morphs from dan to dan to dan, and america's funniest home videos
MOUN-TAIN!! GET OUT OF MY WAY! by montell williams
deez nutz