.Anton. profile picture


The strangest twist upon your lips...

About Me

I do comics. Check Anton's website ++ Antonweblog for more.

Soon - Miki #2 Doggy Bag (Glénat) scenario: S.Meirinho
2007 - Quatre (Les Enfants Rouges) scénario: L.Bramardi
2005 - Miki #1 Neuralithium (Glénat) scenario: S.Meirinho
2002 - Eclipse last contact (Egone // 2eme édition)
1999 - Eclipse last contact (autoproduction)
1993 - I'm dead / collectif Le tour des Crocs (Scarce/Saga)

I also created these websites... Rozz Williams moments The Blue Hour , the Christian Death discography , some little angels leaving the grey world Norma Loy , and the old library of dead ears The Archive ...

My Interests

Art, graphics, comics, gigs, records, libraries, ecology, travelling, astronomy, cheese, wine and redhair girls...


Indie, Post punk, Batcave, Deathrock, Electronic, Industrial, Minimal, Goth, Cold, Shoegazing, Post rock, Wave, 80's crap...

*Rozz Williams* Christian Death, Shadow Project, Mephisto Walz, The Cure, Virgin Prunes, Lush, M83, The Smiths, Norma Loy, Death in June, Current 93, Bauhaus, Blonde Redhead, Clan of Xymox, Black Tape for a Blue Girl, My Bloody Valentine, Minimal Compact, Cocteau Twins, Lycia, Killing Joke, Radiohead, New Model Army, Skinny Puppy, The Organ, Tuxedomoon, Front 242, Project Pitchfork, Ride, The Sisters of Mercy, TG, :Wumpscut:, Slowdive, Calva Y Nada, Neva, Asylum Party, Fra Lippo Lippi, PJ Harvey, Faith and the Muse, 45 Grave, Curve, Superheroines, Wire, Siouxsie, Piano Magic, Pink Floyd (RIP Syd...), Joy Division, Ladytron, Liaisons Dangereuses, David Bowie, DAF, Gitane Demone, Morthem Vlade Art, Pale Saints, New Order, Siglo XX, Editors, Southern Death Cult, Dominique A, And Also The Trees, Trisomie 21, Velvet Acid Christ, She Wants Revenge, X-Mal Deutschland... and more and more...


Taxi Driver, David Lynch, Kubrick, Blade Runner, Donnie Darko, Dead Ringers, Arizona Dream, Kafka, Jaws, Dellamore Dellamorte, Videodrome, Fallen Angels, C'est arrivé près de chez vous, François Truffaut, Buffalo 66, Monty Python's Holy Graal, Dead man, Gregg Araki...
Twin Peaks, The Prisoner, Black Adder, Monty Pythons...

Anime : Princess Mononoke/Ghibli, Captain Harlock, Galaxy Express 999, Futurama, Cowboy Bebop, FLCL...




A lot of comics from over the world, arts and graphic books, rock books, history... too many to list here...
