S!C profile picture


dead girls dont say no

About Me

.. i am a reverend for the black star ministry
src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v206/wakenthedead/gpb anner.gif" border="0"
You are a death metal head. You listen to Cannibal
Corpse or Exhumed. Have fun eating people and
worshipping Satan.

What type of metalhead are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v293/Hopesfall2Nite/b anner.jpg" alt="Image hosted by Photobucket.com"
I adopted a cute lil' fetus in a tie from Fetusmart! Hooray fetus! HREF="http://www.myspace.com/cancerwhore"
Contact Tables @ Marksgraphichelp.com

My Interests

Music, downhill mountain biking, art, beautiful woman, body art, tatoos, piercings, brandings, scarification, horrors, terrible violence, ales, and doom.

I'd like to meet:

the devil


Metal, Rawkus, some gothic shit, jungle drum and bass kinda shit, anything dark melodic evil, i like old school shit like the doors and stuff like that. I play bass so i like playing music alot. Bands i love Slipknot, lamb of god, vampire mooose, broke, coal chamber, devil driver, converge, napalm death, white zombie, chimaira, dope, among the decayed, no redeeming social value, grave, static x, remembering never, black flag, rudimentary peni, otep, mudvayne, video drone, dying fetus, as i lay dying, dimmu borgir, zao, the agony scene, ominous, fecal corpse, cystic dysentery, job for a cowboy, denounce his name, godsmack, stone sour, bleeding through, the black dahlia murder, six feet under, mortician, nile, deicide, pantera........Dimebag Darrel R.I.P.


mostly movies with alot of violent bloody dead skull fucking discusting vile brutal torment and death


adult swim


the bible


the devil, and rob zombie hes my fucking idol rob zombie fucking rawks