im the biggest (___noun___) youll ever meet. and people tell me i have the most (_adjective_) (___noun___). my favorite color is (__color__) and i have (__number__) (_plural noun_) on my (___noun___). my favorite hobby is (_verb ending in ing_). and my real name is (_name of girl in room_). Nice to myspace you!
i paint. most of these pieces are sold. you should buy one too.
Get Your Own! | View Slideshow
i take pictures. mostly for fun because my camera isn't fancy at all. you'd laugh if you saw it.
Get Your Own! | View Slideshow
i write. this is one of my favorite poems. i write other things besides poetry but you can't read any of it yet. but you can read my blogs. and stay tuned. my poetry book will be available soon!
(his name is)
once upon a tin foil coincidence,
leaving left me with multiple recollections
a snow day to escape from my pale flesh convenience
soaking in wine tapestries and last nights sacrificial offerings
waking in neighboring time zones of love and hate
legs spread shut with the crust of unspoken history
blown glass fantasies hiding on the floor next to cheating backpacks
morning breath make believe or regretful reflecting exits
pretending slumber to avoid your wooden box ritual of burning rolled up dollar bills
sleeping cd players humming in repeat, shouting temporary insanity
skipping photographic memories falling down doggie style
backache bodies glued to filthy clothes and habits,
grace's fingers combing through the sun and stars with untangling forgiveness
it's not our fault, sex was just using us.
-clh copyright 2006
(and so much more.)