ima nerd profile picture

ima nerd

the melancholy wing span

About Me

im the biggest (___noun___) youll ever meet. and people tell me i have the most (_adjective_) (___noun___). my favorite color is (__color__) and i have (__number__) (_plural noun_) on my (___noun___). my favorite hobby is (_verb ending in ing_). and my real name is (_name of girl in room_). Nice to myspace you!
i paint. most of these pieces are sold. you should buy one too.
Get Your Own! | View Slideshow
i take pictures. mostly for fun because my camera isn't fancy at all. you'd laugh if you saw it.
Get Your Own! | View Slideshow
i write. this is one of my favorite poems. i write other things besides poetry but you can't read any of it yet. but you can read my blogs. and stay tuned. my poetry book will be available soon!
(his name is)

once upon a tin foil coincidence,

leaving left me with multiple recollections

a snow day to escape from my pale flesh convenience

soaking in wine tapestries and last nights sacrificial offerings

waking in neighboring time zones of love and hate

legs spread shut with the crust of unspoken history

blown glass fantasies hiding on the floor next to cheating backpacks

morning breath make believe or regretful reflecting exits

pretending slumber to avoid your wooden box ritual of burning rolled up dollar bills

sleeping cd players humming in repeat, shouting temporary insanity

skipping photographic memories falling down doggie style

backache bodies glued to filthy clothes and habits,

grace's fingers combing through the sun and stars with untangling forgiveness

it's not our fault, sex was just using us.
-clh copyright 2006
(and so much more.)

My Interests

"love is phenomenal in theory, but i have no proof."

this is me in all my glory. cute, eh?

I'd like to meet:

my fairy godmother.


i love aural pleasure.


yay for eye candy!


movie channels or learning channels, mostly.


i wish the library worked like netflix.



My Blog

brought to you by the letter

Her top teeth clench her lower lip She's either preparing to say Fuck Forgery Fallacious Fundamental Foreboding Friction Or maybe She's Finished Saying things That end In f...
Posted by ima nerd on Thu, 25 Jan 2007 04:32:00 PST

no title because it's not worth it.

(untitled) I don't care What it sounds like Or seems to be It is And that's how it has been And in ways I wish it would stick to it At those stop signs When it continues to drive me Around on cr...
Posted by ima nerd on Wed, 24 Jan 2007 12:42:00 PST

how did her then scream?

How did her then scream?   Lush lungs spilling Weathered voice In an echoed-by-tile whisper-ish Hangover speak Across kitchen galaxies Telling things True about you To strangers who ar...
Posted by ima nerd on Wed, 24 Jan 2007 01:56:00 PST

scenic blog, part one

smilingThe Ghost Feet of A Non-Existent Shaneskineveralwaysneverdas delicious bootshort walk under a long pier...flying abstracterosionexfoliationfly awaysuicide drivesuicide diveblue meets orangehidi...
Posted by ima nerd on Wed, 24 Jan 2007 04:24:00 PST

don't forget to drink your...

Boredom elixir. Magical tincture That hard to swallow Cure all Liquid bandage   (which, by the way)   Only thins your Vitality Making it weep And   Making you Appea...
Posted by ima nerd on Tue, 23 Jan 2007 10:54:00 PST

cavil (a repost so i can be trendy too)

Cavil   i trivially object just like last time first time repeating myself mental crime a little jail sweating time a science project wrecking ball chemical reaction cosmic stall sle...
Posted by ima nerd on Sat, 20 Jan 2007 08:27:00 PST

a pick up truck line

If I could rearrange the alphabet I would put u and i At the beginning and end So We could see Everything in between -clh 2007...
Posted by ima nerd on Fri, 19 Jan 2007 02:28:00 PST

I hope the democrats revise this security policy someday. prohibited-items.shtm "Scissors - metal with pointed tips and blades shorter than four inches are allowed as carry-on items as well as To...
Posted by ima nerd on Thu, 18 Jan 2007 04:22:00 PST

RX and Driving through Needles

RX   Like any great artist I was just waiting For the apprehension To subside   It wouldn't behave On its own So I took the pill That makes me bigger        ...
Posted by ima nerd on Thu, 18 Jan 2007 11:56:00 PST

ode to quantum leaps

I think I thought You Into Existence   And If That Is The case   I think You should Give A kiss Permission -clh2007...
Posted by ima nerd on Tue, 16 Jan 2007 01:30:00 PST