sports, partying, and any chance to get outside and experience what this city has to offer. Oh and talking to people who don't want to be a model, actor, or actress. Do they exist in L.A.?
I'm good
A like rap, rock, and a little country. I listen to a variety of music. Sometimes the beat is right, and sometimes I like the story behind the song. Depends upon my mood.
I am a movie junky. I have an interesting collection of movies. I like action, comedy, and I even have all of the episodes from Nip/Tuck and family guy. If you don't like Family Guy there is something wrong with you. :) But out of my collection I would have to say that Braveheart is my favorite.
I try to watch nip/tuck, but I'm so behind this season it is rediculous. I hate to say it too but I'm a smallville junky. Ever since I was little my mother said I wanted to be like superman....weird when the moms brings out crazy old stories on ya
Angels and Demons, DA Vinci code (only part), Sphere, Prey, Mustang magz, and other man reading material
Easy, my father. He has always been the strength of the family. I can always count on him. To to be called similar to him would be a huge compliment. I feel sorry for anyone that FUCKS with this family...........................................