Lasagna,soccer,snowboarding, enduro riding (cutting trail), rhythm guitar with tube amplification!! Meeting new people or keeping in touch w/old friends, fishing, traveling, running, live music,absentmindedness, wandering, golf, bendering, disk golf, rendering, spending, reading, worrying, wondering, being attracted to women who take an insurmountably slow time to consider themselves in a relationship, Hiking--ever since the grand canyon and reading into thin air, i've been obsessed w/ finding something larger to ascend.
Someone new, possibly you. People who are not afraid to go the extra mile.
Yes please, way to many to list.
I've been blogin bad/good movies that I watched since myspacemembershiptuity, see appendix (blog) I'm Ron Burgandy? I keep renting really bad movies, I might need a girlfriend in order to get this thing going in a positive direction.
LOST, ARRESTED DEVELOPMENT, Simpsons, Curb your enthusiasm, Chapelle show, The Office, King of Queens, Conan O'brian, and The Price is Right (Why retire now Bob?), News Center Night Team chnl.28/6, and Knight Rider.
Metamorphisis, The Source, The two towers, Zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance, 1984, Catcher in the Rye, State of fear, Less than Zero, The DaVinci Code, Zen and the art of archery, Siddhartha, Into thin air, A heartbreaking work of staggering genius, the girl who loved tom gordon, deception point, The Log from the Sea of Cortez, real.m, Zen Buddhism, Disclosure, A Tale of Two Cities, Saving Faith, The Secret, (currently) Angels and Demons.
HP, The Force, Capitulation, Panspermia, and Pantheism.