Hoodge profile picture


Normal doesn't live here anymore.

About Me

Depending on how you know me I am Michael, Hoodge, GQ, and most recently Cook Juan Michael. I am a Pirate Captain complete with an island to bury our treasure. If you look you'll find an application on my profile. I am an Eagle Scout and a second year AmeriCorps member. I am going to college working towards becoming a teacher. I would really like to work with kindergarteners. I have, at times, incredibly bad luck which usually ends in personal injury. I like dogs, the color green, ice cream, driving, and reading. I don't like clowns, heights, chicken wings, seafood, and pessimists. I am the oldest (and shortest) and my brothers, Will and Tom, are like any brothers. We argue and fight but as we've grown older it isn't too bad. I've done my fair share of stupid things including destroying my engine on the highway(I ended up sleeping there), driving to the hospital while my lung collasped, driving my dads truck off the road, nearly ruining National S'more Day by first getting my car stuck in a ditch and then losing my keys, and becoming so busy that I don't have time to camp. If you like things to run smoothly and without incident don't invite me along. I never know how to end these things so check out my profile, its not that big, and maybe write me or something.
Long Survey About Yourself
What time are you starting this?: 9:52 PM
Name?: Michael
Nicknames?: Hoodge, GQ, Cook Juan Michael
Date of birth?: 6-21-1986
Sex?: Male
Height?: 6'1"
Eye color?: Brown
Where were you born?: Maryland
Number of candles on your last birthday cake?: 20 and 1 for good luck
Pets?: None
Hair color?: Brown
Piercings?: None
Town you live in?: South Kingstown
Favorite foods?: French Toast
Ever been to Africa?: No
Been toilet papering?: No
Love someone so much it made you cry?: Yes
Been in a car accident?: I've come close.
Croutons or bacon bits?: Bacon Bits
Favorite day of the week?: Friday because it's pay day
Favorite resturant?: I don't eat out enough to have a favorite.
Favorite flower?: I like shamrocks.
Favorite sport to watch?: Football
Favorite drink?: Chocolate Milk
Favorite ice cream flavor?: Cookie Dough
Warner Bros. or Disney?: Warner Bros.
Favorite fast food restuarant?: They all make you fat!
Carpet color in your bedroom?: It isn't really carpet.
How many times did you fail your driver's test?: None
Whom did you get your last email from?: A good friend from Britian; Amy
Which store would you choose to max out your credit card?: Looney Tunes
What do you do most often when you are bored?: Exercise
Most annoying thing to say to me?: "Let me play the devil's advocate for a moment."
Bedtime?: Whenever
Favorite TV show?: I like Lost
Last person you went out to dinner with?:: AmeriCorps
Been out of country?: Yes, Dominican Republic
Believe in magick?: No
Ford or Chevy?: I don't care.
What are you listening to right now?: "Out Loud" by Violet Nine
Have you ever failed a grade?: No
If you have, what grade did you fail?:
Do you have a crush on someone?: Yes
Do you have a bf/gf?: No
If so, what is their name?:
How long have you been together?:
What are you wearing right now?: Gym shorts and a Marines t-shirt
Would you have sex before marriage?: Ok
Have you ever had a crush on any of your teachers?: There was a couple really pretty student teachers last year.
Are you a virgin?: Ok
Do you smoke?: Never
Do you drink?: Not anymore
Are you ghetto?: No
Are you a player?: I am not that low.
What are your favorite colors?: Green
What is your favorite animal?: Dogs
Do you have any birthmarks?: I don't think so.
Have you ever gotten your ass kicked?: No
Who do you talk to most on the phone?: I don't use the phone much.
Have you ever been slapped?: Yes
Do you get online a lot?: Not really.
Are you shy or outgoing?: Outgoing
Do you shower?: Everyday
Do you hate school?: No
Do you have a social life?: I have friends everywhere.
How easily do you trust people?: Depends on the relationship.
Do you have a secret people would be surprised knowing?: I don't think so.
Would you ever sky dive?: Everyday if I could.
Do you like to dance?: If the music is right.
Have you ever been out of state?: Yes
Do you like to travel?: Yes
Have you ever been expelled from school?: No
Have you ever been suspended from school?: No
Do you want to get out of your hometown?: For a little while.
Are you spoiled?: No
Are you a brat?: No
Have you ever been dumped?: Yes
Have you ever gotten high?: No
Do you like snapple?: Yes
Do you drink a lot of water?: Yes
What toothpaste do you use?: Colgate
Do you have a cell phone?: Yes
Do you have a curfew?: No
Who do you look up to?: My dad and Jim Henson.
Are you a role model?: To some people I'm sure.
Have you ever been to Six Flags or Cedar Point?: I've been to Six Flags.
What name brand do you wear the most?: Hanes
What kind of jewelry do you wear?: Rubber Bands and a hospital band
What do you want pierced?: Nothing
Do you like takin pictures?: Sure
Do you like gettin your picture taken?: I guess.
Do you have a tan?: Not so much anymore.
Do you get annoyed easily?: No
Have you ever started a rumor?: Probably, actually yes I have.
Do you have your own phone or phone line?: Cell phone?
Do you have your own pool?: No
Do you prefer boxers or briefs?: Boxers
Do you have any siblings?: Two brothers
Have you ever been played?: I think so
Have you ever played anyone?: No
Do you get along with your parents?: Mostly
How do you vent your anger?: Exercise
Have you ever ran away?: No
Have you ever been fired from a job?: No
Do you even have a job?: I have two.
Do you daydream a lot?: All the time.
Do you have a lot of ex's?: No
Do you run your mouth?: No
What do you want a tattoo of?: A family crest of sorts and I want to add to the one on my back.
What do you have a tattoo of?: I have the four horsemen of the apocalyspe.
What does your ex bf/gf look like?: How does someone answer this question.
What does your most recent crush look like?: She is very pretty, tall, and she has a great personality.
Whats her/his name?: Her name is not all that important.
Have you ever been bitched out?: I think so.
Are you rude?: I try not to be.
What was the last compliment you recieved?: "You are our all-american poster child"
Do you like getting dirty?: I work hard and if that means getting dirty I don't care.
Are you flexiable?: Not really.
What is your heritage?: European mix.
What is your lucky number?: 21
What does your hair look like right now?: Plain
Could you ever be a vegetarian?: No
Describe your looks?: All-american.
If you had to completely dye your hair it'd be what color?: Orange
Would you ever date someone younger than you?: I have.
Would you ever date someone older than you?: I'm trying.
When was the last time you were drunk?: June 30
How many rings until you answer the phone?: 2 or 3
Have you ever been skinny dipping?: No
If yes, when was the last time?:
When was the last time you went on a date?: Friday
Do you look more like your mother or father?: My dad
Do you cry a lot?: No
Do you ever cry to get your way?: No
What phrase do you use most when on the phone?: Hello?
Are you the romantic type?: Yes
Have you ever been chased by cops?: No
What do you like most about your body?: My height.
What do you like least about your body?: It breaks a lot.
When did you have your first crush?: Kindergarten
When was the last time you threw up?: May 12th
In the opposite sex, do you prefer blondes or brunettes?: Doesn't matter.
Do you ever wear shirts do show your belly?: No
What about cleavage?: No
Is your best friend a virgin?: Yes
Have you ever fucked someone up?: I cracked a guys rib one night, does that count?
Have you ever been fucked up?: No
What theme does your room have?: It needs work.
What size show do you wear?: 11's
What is your screen name on .. hoodge52
How are you feeling right now?: Tired, overwhelmed, and excited for tomorrow.
When was the last time you were at a party?: Last night
Have you ever given a lapdance?: No
Have you ever recieved one?: No
Has there ever been a rumor spread about you?: Yeah
What is one of your bad qualilties?: I over analyze stuff
What is one of your good qualilties?: My sense of humor.
Would you marry for money?: No
What do you drive?: A 1993 Acura Integra, its crap and I hate it.
Are you more of a mommys or daddys child?: Dads I guess.
So?: Right
Well?: That was unexpected
When was the last time you cried in school?: When I fell and bit a hole in my lip.
Would you ever hook up with the same sex?: No
What kind of music do you like?: Mostly everything.
Would you ever bungee jump?: Yes
What is your worst fear?: I haven't found it yet.
Would you ever join the army?: If I thought it was right.
Do you like cows?: Yes
If you were to die today, what would you do?: Eat, drink, and be happy
If you had one last word to say to someone before you die, what would it b?: Peace
Do you like to party?: Yes I do.
Hearts or broken hearts?: Hearts
Moons or stars?: Moons
Coke or pepsi?: Coke
Favorite scent?: Perfume
Favorite band?: Flogging Molly
Would you ever dye your hair red?: Sure
How many languages can you speak?: One
What time are you finishing this?: 10:06 PM
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My Interests

I like working in the classrooms at Carl G. Lauro Elementary School. Both the Boy Scout Troops are awesome Troop 1 and 10. I forgot Venture Crew 1910, they're good too. I love hanging out with my friends, playing video and regular games, and just doing fun stuff.

I'd like to meet:

I'd like to meet Batman, Dr. Seuss, Jim Henson, and my Grandfather.


I like alternative rock, classic rock, and a good mix of just about everything. Right now I like 30 Seconds to Mars, Death Cab for Cutie, The Arcade Fire, Avenged Sevenfold, Flogging Molly, ZOX, Feeder, Desole, As Tall As Lions, Halifax, Forgive Durden, The Postal Service, Built To Spill, Broken Social Scene, Ted Leo, and Rise Against.


Donnie Darko, Fight Club, Life As A House, John Q, Jaws, The Goonies, Die Hard, Crash, Charlie and The Chocolate Factory, King Kong (the first and the new one), Collateral, Millions, Meet Joe Black, Zoolander, Rat Race, Signs, Master and Commander, Unbreakable, the LOTR series, Batman Begins, Jurassic Park, The Patriot, Terminator (all three of them), both Predator movies, the Alien movies, Matchstick Men, Face-Off, 12 Monkeys, Lilo and Stitch, Toy Story 1 and 2, Monsters Inc., Finding Nemo, October Sky, Mystic River, Big Fish, Remember the Titans, Radio, Frequency, Million Dollar Baby, Hotel Rwanda, Secondhand Lions, Finding Neverland, Pirates of the Carribean, Signs, The Sixth Sense, and Edward Scissorhands are some of my favorites. There is obviously more but I shouldn't be updating this at work.


I like the History Channel, Comedy Central, and The Food Network. I watch football, The Simpsons, Family Guy, Futurama, and I hate reality T.V. I also like cartoons....meant for kids.


I like to read. My favorites are To Kill A Mockingbird and They Cage The Animals at Night. I also liked Deception Point, The Historian, Holes, The Phantom Tollbooth, Eyes of a Child, Watchers, Whispers, The Da Vinci Code, iRobot, The LOTR series, The Chronicles of Narnia, and the Harry Potter books (I know, I'm a loser). I've read and liked other books by Tom Clancy, Michael Crichton, and Stephen King but the names escape me.


My Dad. I don't look up to stars because they are fake.

My Blog

The Seven Lesson School Teacher by John Tayler Gatto

The Seven-Lesson Schoolteacher by John Taylor Gatto - 1991 New York State Teacher of the Year Call me Mr. Gatto, please. Twenty-six years ago, having nothing better to do at the time, I tried my hand ...
Posted by Hoodge on Tue, 10 Jul 2007 12:43:00 PST

Against School by John Taylor Gatto *Please Read*

..> ..> Against School*John Taylor Gatto**..>..> ..> ..> How public education cripples our kids, and why   I taught for thirty years in some of the worst schools in Manhattan, and in some of...
Posted by Hoodge on Wed, 04 Jul 2007 10:40:00 PST

Pirate Application

Application For Employment Applicant Name: Gender: Date of Birth: Education, Do you have any? Yes_______   No_______ Have you stolen anything? If yes, what? Have you killed before? If y...
Posted by Hoodge on Mon, 07 Aug 2006 03:50:00 PST

One Time At Boy Scout Camp...

I've just got back from Yawgoog and I had a pretty good week except for the part when I went to the hospital...again. This time I picked up a diabetic testing lance and accidently stabbed myself. So I...
Posted by Hoodge on Sun, 23 Jul 2006 11:59:00 PST

One more Versus

This one is just stupid but its an argument I have been having for a couple years now. Which is better: Forks or Spoons?   I'm all for spoons because they are the all purpose utensil. You just ca...
Posted by Hoodge on Tue, 04 Apr 2006 04:28:00 PST

Batman VS Superman

This is it the final showdown between Batman and Superman.   My moneys on Batman because the guy is just that a guy who can kick major ass. He has no super powers and is very mortal making every...
Posted by Hoodge on Tue, 04 Apr 2006 04:20:00 PST