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BUDLIGHT PRESENTS: REAL MEN OF GENIUS...Today we salute you, Mr. Myspace addict. You thought you could just log on once, but little did you know it would consume your life. Joining one pointless group was just not enough. Adding every person you never spoke to in high school, and people you've never met who live 3000 miles away just to be virtually popular. As if IM wasn't enough to feed into your stalker-ish behavior. Oooo look at you with your 14393 friends. So go ahead, crack open an ice cold BUD LIGHT, Compulsive Away Message Checker Turned Myspace Psycho. It's too bad that you're not too popular at the bar, but in virtual reality, you'd be the life of the cyber partyHow you really say "I love you." by lenatheraven
...believe in true love?
Your hands say With me, you'll never be lost.
Your eyes say You're amazing.
Your hugs say Nothing I desire compares with you.
Your kisses say I almost can't believe you love me.
Your body says Just curl up next to me.
Your heart says Ich liebe dich.
Weathered Posts and Sea Grass Waves rushing to kiss the shore I close my eyes and peace decends I'm at the beach once more.
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