I LoVe
- My family
- Chocolate
- Make-up
- Pin-up's
- Red lipstick
- Dying my hair
- 50's and the 80's
- Text messaging
- My cat and snake
- sleeping
- writing in my journal
- The little mermaid
- eating LOL
- Tattoos
- Piercings
- My best friends
- Taking pictures
- listening to music
WiLl LiStEn To AnYtHiNg BUT DoEsN'T MeAn I WiLl LiKe It!!!
fLAVOR OF LOVE The L-Word Sex in the city Queer As Folk MAURY!!!!
NoT ReALlY A ReAdEr I LiKe 2 WrItE MoRe ThAn AnYtHiNg......(*sIgH*) YeS I LoVe It!
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