Pauline profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Don't know. I'll tell you when I find me.

My Interests

B&W photography, reading, foreign films, art. dancing. beach volleyball (even though I suck...hey, i love the sand!)

I'd like to meet:

absent friends, lost loves, old gods...


ranges from RATM to Sarah Mclachlan, Poe to Luscious Jackson. Anggun, Cynthia Alexander, Garbage, Indigo Girls, Fionna Apple, Gorrilaz, Nirvana, Queens of the Stone Age, Robert Miles, trance music!!! Dandy Warhols, Fountains of Wayne, The Killers, Dire Straits, Cake, Buckcherry, Snow Patrol. a little bit of hip hop for dancing.


Akira Kurosawa's films, Long heart-wrenching movies like The Joy Luck Club, House of Spirits, Schindler's List, Red Violin, Raise the Red Lantern, etc. I also dig the assassin chick flicks like La Femme Nikita, The Long Kiss Goodnight and Point of No Return, Kill Bill 1&2. Also Breathless, Sin City, The Crow, MirrorMask. If somebody would get me that 50-cd collection from Janus Films for Christmas I'd die a happy woman.


the usual suspects: Sex in the City, Will & Grace, the old SNL's, the Office, Scrubs, Arrested Development, Family Guy, 24, 30 Rock. A guilty pleasure: America's Top Model (I watch it for the fashion photogrpahy. That's it, I swear!)


Graphic novels rule: The Sandman, Preacher, Promethea, Hellblazer, Punisher (Garth Ennis series), Crying Freeman, Hitchhiker's Guide series, Watchmen, Maus I & II, everything Gaiman.


my MOM!