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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Born in Texas. Grew up in Nebraska, went to university in Texas, then Kansas. Began my career back in Dallas, then in New York City, Bangkok, Thailand, Singapore and back to NYC again. Now, after all that globe-hopping, I'm ready to settle down in little 'ol Gainesville, Florida. Whew! And I'm not even in the military.

My Interests

Diverse interests including but not limited to: cultural topics, traveling Asia (Singapore, Thailand, Hong Kong), Florida beaches, the arts (photography, painting, theatre, movies), architecture, diagnostic medical imaging, sonography, radiography, CT scanning.

I'd like to meet:

Anyone who likes to share from any of the *interest* topics, always welcome! Always curious to know whatever happened to Natalie Ritzman?


In no particular order: U2, INXS, John Mellencamp, Springsteen, Macy Gray, George Benson, Pat Metheny, Bossa Nova, Andrea Bocelli, Segovia, Enya, Tracy Chapman, Cocteau Twins, southern rock, jazz, classical and opera.


Mostly something with intrigue and suspense, sometimes with humour: Amelie, Matrix, Terminator, Independence Day, Usual Suspects, Lawrence of Arabia, Reds, The Last Emperor, The King & I, Team America, The Incredibles, Jet Li, Harrison Ford, Tom Hanks, Pierce Prosnan, Pirates of the Caribbean, Crouching Tiger/Hidden Dragon, House of Flying Daggers, Sholin Football, Kung Fu Showdown.


Former West Wing addict; now lucky to see some travel, food or medical shows. CNN & ABC/NBC/CBS Evening News is a must. Always trying to beat that darned "Head ON" commercial with the mute button!


Back to school books for the time-being!


Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin captured my facination in grade school; Jim Ryan got me through track in high school; Georgia O'Keefe and a plethora of fine artists and commercial artists shined the way for me during college and into my early professional years. Kept a special place in my heart for MLK and was always a big fan of Joseph Campbell too!

My Blog

Migrating South

It seems I wasn't meant to gather any moss (as in a "rolling stone gathers"). I've just accepted an offer to become the new creative director of a small marketing communications/public relations a...
Posted by Scot on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

$7,000, just to move some boxes?

We asked a shipping company for an estimate to ship our belongings from Thailand to NYC. Everything can fit neatly stacked into a very small bedroom when boxed up. They came back with a quote of $7,00...
Posted by Scot on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

The stunningly beautiful woman who relies on her beauty to create or exploit opportunities to advance herself:

At thirty-two, she does not know about forty, and she is unprepared for the time when she will actually have to know something in order to have people listen to her. Her penalty is that the men she at...
Posted by Scot on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

The New NYC Job

It appears I'm long overdue for an update! I went to NYC in Dec. 03 to explore taking on a freelance assignment, and ended up accepting a position as Senior Art Director at an unrelated company. I nev...
Posted by Scot on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Going To NYC

Hey gang, Just to let you know if you can't reach me, I've gone to NYC on assignment for a while (beginning 14 Dec.). The folks from Learning Worlds ( have asked me up to wor...
Posted by Scot on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

What Famous Leader Are You?

Woo Hoo! Detached Intellectual! Now...where did I put those crib notes??? What Famous Leader Are You?...
Posted by Scot on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Personality Test

SimilarMinds Compatibility Results McKenzie ||||| 59% ||||| 56% similar complementary   How compatible are you and your friends?...
Posted by Scot on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Just How Evil?

I am 35% evil. I could go either way. I have sinned quite a bit but I still have a bit of room for error. My life is a tug of war between good and evil. Are you evil? find out at
Posted by Scot on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Contain Christmas!

There is a song called "The 12 Days of Christmas." Whoever would have guessed at the time that the idea was an omen of things to come. Nowadays, it should be updated to "The 29+ Days of Christmas." ...
Posted by Scot on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Godfather deja vous

Today a friend of mine in Singapore who is developing the creative staff of US branding agency that is expanding into Asia suggested I try out for the new CD position. So, after some initial deliberat...
Posted by Scot on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST