I like lots. Most of all I like Roller Coasters, riding them, learning about them, discussing them, boring people with talk of them, whatever. I'm also way too into speech and debate, but I'm young yet, I'll learn. I enjoy listening to music (ska), I greatly enjoy playing beer pong, and take the game of asshole a little too seriously at times. I probably drink too much, but isn't 'too much' simply nothing but a state of mind?
Drake Bell. Reel Big Fish. Also, anyone who can get me to the front of a Roller Coaster line.
Saved, Without a Paddle, a few others. I'm kinda unpredictable in this realm, I'm never even sure what I'm going to like.
Joss Whedon should pretty much always count me in his rating projections because I end up kinda loving whatever he puts out. This obviously leads to the big one of his, I'm a Buffy fan. Second to Buffy, it needs to be said that firefly was a great project of his. Beyond my buddy Joss I would have to say I'm one of the few that actually lament the removal of Home Movies from the Adult Swim line-up, that show gives me a funny. It's just sadistic enough to be truly hilarious.
Too Many. When I'm not reading for class or extra readings to make myself sound smarter in class I'm a big fan of fiction. I like a lot of different stuff here, and get attached to characters way too quickly. I get sad when the stories are over. Sometimes, I get indignant, but mostly I get sad.