OLd frEns, curRenT frEns (eVentHough meEt eVeryDay) aNd nEw frEns... cRiter!a pAsS!ve ppL, seNse oF huM0r, buDak j0h0R!!! giLa mErOyaN, giLa bAbi, giLa nAk mAti... ! reaLly wanT to meEt soMe1 whO reaLly opEn, opEn n oPen boUt 'nYth!ng...hepYnya nAk wAt kaWan--- tRaveLLeR, !aN wRigHt-- ! reAlLy waNt 2 meEt soMe1 thaT ! caNt meEt.. sHe's gOne. baCk tO 95'... daMn!!! onLy gOd kNows whY ~~fReeD*jUt*yoTt*f!rD!*eNa*!ja*a!N*yUN*j!hAn*hA!nuReeN*iJaT* f!F!*L!zA* pAkLah*b0Y*fAdz*j0Jo*kHam!ndA*OrY*f0dAD*b0Y*L!L!*eR00s~~ %D%A%D1 Things I Want in a Lover %Do you derive joy when someone else succeeds? do you not play dirty when engaged in competition? do you have a big intellectual capacity but know that it alone does not equate wisdom? do you see everything as an illusion? but enjoy it even though you are not of it? are you both masculine and feminine? politically aware? and don't believe in capital punishment?
!ncUbuS---w!sh u wEre hEre~aLaNis's pOeM---uN!nViteD
GiA GeRetH, sHawShaNk rEdeMpt!oN, pH!ladePh!a, l0rEnza's 0!L
gLobe tRekKer^tRaveL N L!v!nG^AxN's seLecTioN^feArFact0r
efFect!vE sPeak!ng~~~beH!nd oF !nd!a~~~giLa2 eD!s! mAc 02
mY pH!L0SophY y0u sEe, !f y0u speNd t0o muCh t!me tH!nKing aB0ut !t, theN y0u m!ss !t! Th!nGs c0me. KeEp lo0k!ng, meEt d!ffereNt pe0pLe, aNd exChanGe !deaS. TheRe !s n0 ruLe. The f!rsT stEp !s !n y0ur heAd. S0 d0n't th!Nk ab0ut It, buY a fLight t!ckeT tom0rRow aNd thEn worRies ab0ut it 0N the pLane. Th!s is tHe haRdest sTep.