AFFENDY JAILANI® profile picture


"aku masih tersenyum lagi"

About Me

everybody! For those of you who don't know me, my name is fendy and I am on this thing to meet some new people and maybe catch up with some old friends. My family and friends are more important then anything, I spend alot of time with them... fendy is ... an enigmatic, obsessive compulsive, indecisive, anal retentive sociopath. However, he really is a nice guy ... really....haha...i'll try to sum up me........I am usually very withdrawn from people naturally and at the same time moody, and very indecisive....Getting an education and setting my self up for a stable and exciting future is super important. I've been told I'm a pretty cool guy, never unfriendly, always nice. I can make people laugh, and I don't take things too seriously. I keep an open mind, am outgoing, and social, and I like to meet new people. Want to know more? Just ask me, I promise I don't bite.I am a crazy guy, a ton of fun and believe only in quality friendships. Life is too short to spend on half way friends that aren't willing to give it their all. I want is to be able to smile, laugh, and cry, and do something good in this life before its over!!!!!!!!So now you know my life story and the person I am. ...i love going to concerts and getting crazy! i absolutely love to dance! one of the most relaxing and exciting things to do, theres always a challenge and something you can work on to improve, it never gets old and its a great get away from a stressful day, i do not like fake people, i do not like people who are stuck on themselves and think they are superior than everyone else just because they have a shirt that says Hollister, i like people that are real and tell it like it is and dont give a shit what people think, i love having fun and goofing off, i dislike people who say one thing and do another, i dont like when people say they hate drama and then they sit and gossip and start drama all the time, its a joke, i love the friends i have and appreciate everything they do for me, i am who i am because of them, i love being spontanious and doing things spur of the moment, i love my family and everything they have given me. im a nice person for the most part but dont piss me off, i hold grudges and have a hard time forgiving people after they have hurt me. i am who i am and i dont care what you think, i have people that love me for me and thats all that matters because at the end of they day i know they will be there for me no matter what... thank god! Love You are a lover of love. You love to love and be loved. You are perhaps a hopeless romantic but those are rare nowadays. Think of it as a gift. Whether you are saving yourself for that special someone or you have already found him or her. You are part of an almost extinct species of human. The kind that believe in true love... Because love is truly beautiful!

My Interests

I enjoy the simple things in life...and am not afraid to take chances on new things!! Life is about the experience! I'm so much about getting out there and trying new things. Some things I try once and move on...others I enjoy and keep coming back to.i like to do many things, like work out, hang out with friends, go shopping and just do anything extreme or that involves haing fun.

I'd like to meet:

I am looking for someone who is honest, someone with a great sense of humor, an outgoing personality, and most of all, someone who is not superficial. Let's face it, outer beauty can always be altered. For me, at least, physical appearance doesn't hold much importance, but, there definitely has to be an initial attraction. I try to make each day count and believe that appearance will keep you interested for a second but its personality that will keep you for a lifetime... Well, if any of this sounds interesting to you then, I look forward to hearing from you....I really don't have any one person that I would like to particularly meet. I just want to see the world and meet as many people with like-minded goals as possible. i want to meet people who are amazing. people who love to love. people who know how to have fun. i want to meet people who are adventurous. people who are spontaneous. people with attitude. i want to meet someone who will laugh at me, cause i'm laughing at them, cause we're both retarded. i want to meet people who know what it means to have real friends.. people who can be happy talking about life for hours upon hours just because sometimes its nice to be able to do that. people who will inspire me to be a better version of myself while i inspire them to be a better version of themselves.. people who will be there for you when you need them the most. people who are honest. people who will tell you that they love you, just for the sake of reminding you. i want to meet people who know that they dont have it all figured out yet. people who are content taking life one day at a time. people who dont judge others just for the purpose of judging.people who smile a lot. people who know that life is amazing even though sometimes it sucks....haha i want to meet people who are so interested in actually getting to know someone that they'll read all the way donw to this point just to find out who i really wanna meet. but most of all... i want to meet people who are themselves.....I am looking for a guy who knows how to make ME happy, and his happiness comes second to mine. I know that sounds selfish, but hey, that's what I want. If you don't agree with it, move on. I love the thought of being loved unconditionally...because that is the way that my love is...unconditional. This DOESN'T mean unconditional ACCEPTANCE, I won't be your doormat. I don't love many people, but those that I do love know just what I'm talking about!!!!!!!!!!!!!! sEeKiNG tRuE FRIEND'S.............SiNCeRe PeRSoN.........seeking cUte PeRSoN


I made this MySpace Music Player at MyFlashFetish .com.

i tend to listen to a bit of everthing. i guess it just depends on the mood that i am in at that time..I listen to a little bit of everything (except heavy metal and most country).


mmm...ya know, Ive never really been a big reader. But I read the newspaper every weekend, gotta keep up on all this drama in the world.Just lost my scary movie :( I love all kinds of movies. Standing favorites: The Sweetest Thing, Friday, Honeymoon in Vegas, Lord of the Ring Trilogy, Steal Magnolias...have to have something to cry has some great one liners ;)...Movies I'm really into horror and thriller type movies, although I do watch some chick flicks and action films. I like some comedy as long as it's not of the potty humor type genre


Harry Potter (all of them), The Hobbit, and all the books in the Narnia Chronicles (I can't wait for the new movies to come out).right now anything that is in english, pride and prejudice, very far away from anywhere else, the alana series, Tomorrow When the War Began Series, Matilda, Bridget Jones' Diary (one and two), The Catcher in the Rye, The End of the Affair



My Blog

Aku Menulis Bukan Kerna Nama!!!

Huh...kisah hidup yang tidak pernah henti...rasa bangga juga bila hasil kerja kita jadi tontonan umum...lagi BEST  kalau dapat pujian...apapun bukan pujian dan penghargaan yang diharapkan cuma uc...
Posted by AFFENDY JAILANI® on Sat, 28 Jun 2008 10:32:00 PST


..TR>..TR>..TR> ..TR> Ada seorang anak manusia yang takut menjalani kehidupan....Takut akan ketidakmampuan,takut akan kehilangan.Akhirnya ia jatuh dalam kebingungan...Tenggelam dalam penyesalan, kera...
Posted by AFFENDY JAILANI® on Tue, 03 Jun 2008 01:06:00 PST

Tuhan Hadirlah Dalam Hidup & Kematian Kami

Dalam mengenang kisah hidup silam...aku sedar dari kesilapan lalu... Tuhan beratnya dosa-dosaku...masihkah ada ampunan buatku... Tuhan dalam menempuh hidup ini...banyak dugaan datang menguji... Tuhan ...
Posted by AFFENDY JAILANI® on Sun, 20 Apr 2008 07:52:00 PST


Kali ini aku benar-benar percaya, bahwa segala sesuatu yang telah kulewati bukan hanya sekedar perjalanan biasa. Disini tersimpan sejuta makna yang telah diberikan Tuhan. Mungkin, makna-makna itu akan...
Posted by AFFENDY JAILANI® on Thu, 20 Mar 2008 10:11:00 PST

Muda Sebelum Tua, Tua Sebelum Ajal....8 sept 2007

Yahooo!!! hari ini genap 21tahun umurku,bersyukur buat pertamanya kerana masih diberi peluang menghirup dan berpijak bumi yang nyata ini...terima kasih teramat kepada mereka yang mengin...
Posted by AFFENDY JAILANI® on Tue, 21 Mar 2006 06:21:00 PST


hari ini sekali lagi aku tak kenal siapa diri aku...huh...seorang lagi terluka...ya ampun.... puas lamanya aku menunggu kehadiranya tiba-tiba kegembiran itu dirangkul sekelip mata...benar kata&nb...
Posted by AFFENDY JAILANI® on Fri, 07 Apr 2006 04:28:00 PST

PIC.....FRESHIES NITE................

          ALLL................ DANCE....GILER... PARTY... GROUP GEE.... LECTURER.... UIKSSSSSSSSS................ MY JUNIOR.. GROUP LYDIA..   ICA... AMIN @ NINA...
Posted by AFFENDY JAILANI® on Tue, 18 Apr 2006 12:10:00 PST

Love's Pain..

Posted by AFFENDY JAILANI® on Fri, 07 Apr 2006 01:49:00 PST

PIC SHOOTING "malaysian next top model's" hehe

MY CREW... SHOOTING...."pn ayu mcm benggang jew" MAKE UP 1.... MAKE UP 2... HATTA CREW "penat la babe" but kewl... ICAH N MIN..."panas babe"... NAST N AFIQ.."byk nyamuk"!!! SHASHA N HATTA "i h...
Posted by AFFENDY JAILANI® on Mon, 27 Mar 2006 10:32:00 PST

dengar dulu!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Andai 'cinta' namamu diberi adakah nilai diri sesuci cinta?adakah setiap lafaz seikhlas cinta?abadikah setiap hayat cinta?atas nama cinta diberisegala laluannya begitu mudahsetiap perlakuanya sungguh ...
Posted by AFFENDY JAILANI® on Thu, 13 Oct 2005 05:50:00 PST