a.k.u b.osS.a.n profile picture

a.k.u b.osS.a.n

dont cRy..

About Me

HALOOO..aku la yg nme berknaan(bce la nme aku kat ats nu..)..aku duk kat kl..aku ske cekelat..attention 2x!! sape2 yg ske cekelat meh la add aku sbgai teman korg..huehehe.. dengan mke yg selambe aku pn berkate lg..meh la pnuhkan fren list aku.. aku pn ske gak kaler biru,cekelat,putih

Myspace Layouts at Pimp-My-Profile.com / Green flowers

My Interests

I'd like to meet:



I made this Flash Music Player at MyFlashFetish .com.


i like to watching horror and romantic movie... the lord of the ring best gak..


CARTOON!!!! i love to watching cartoon.. mickey,minnie,tweety,donald duck,spongebob da blur(huhu..)


i like to read love novel.... comics....n so on..........


skang ni pempuan pn blh jd hero... so,aku la yg jd hero utk dri sndiri..huehehehe..